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Born In Blood Chapter 51-60

Chapter 51: Abyss


Liam muttered every curse word he knew. Under his breath of course, lest the countless blood-hungry animals find him.

The beasts flew in packs and were all nearly in the third Rank, with one – the leader – being in the peak.

There seemed to be an entire ecosystem living under the canyon gorge, in which different magical beasts had their own territory within the enclosed space, in similar caves like his own.

Shrill noises and roars, both distant and near constantly entered his ears, and it seemed like the magical beasts were in a constant state of battle.

He entered back into the cave – plugging the entrance with a thin wall of mud – and took out his blades from his ring.

His quick thinking allowed him to store his weapons before the explosion.

The katana and wakizashi were still in good shape, which gave Liam a bit of hope of survival.

‘The beasts here are way stronger, and all of them have the darkness element…’

It wasn’t difficult for him to know why.

Magical beasts lived and evolved in areas that corresponded to their element.

For example, water elementals would live in places near rivers or ocean beds, fire type beasts near places with a higher heat intensity, etc.

A dark environment naturally invited darkness elementals to live in.

Liam sat cross-legged and examined his new organ thoroughly.

With the dense world essence surrounding him, his core rapidly absorbed gaseous ‘Ora’. The core was unique in the sense that, in each stage, the state of ‘Ora’ inside changed. The first stage was gaseous, the second, liquid, and the final stage, solid.

With the issue of low ‘Ora’ reserves was automatically solved – since he could use his martial art forms excessively without the fear of running out – he smiled.

Not to mention, he could naturally strengthen his body, too.

‘There’s also my element I need to find out about. I can’t afford to die here.’

Heaving a calm breath, he took out his Jade and attempted to call Lloyd.

Despite him pouring ‘Ora’ into the device, nothing happened. He attempted the same thing with Revel’s Jade, but got the same result.

‘It could be since I’m so far and underground.’

Shrugging, he threw the Jade’s back inside the ring.

Peeking outside his small cave, Liam decided to survey his surroundings before trying anything brash.

Moreover, the gorge was incredibly deep, and his senses screamed danger from the abyss.

Whatever it was, Liam’s picture of what could be under that layer of shadows grew more ominous the more he thought about it.

That aside, there were caves like his further down, and even horizontally, giving him a method to traverse the canyon.

Downward caves were wider, but from what Liam saw, housed even stronger magical beasts.

‘The ‘Ora’ density is definitely thicker further down.’ He realized, judging by the strength and numbers of the beasts below him.

‘I’ll have to be careful if I move between caves, those bats and owls can hurt me mid air.’

Liam’s only option to traverse between the caves was to jump towards them, since there weren’t any footholds.

‘I can’t fall behind on my training either. I might as well use the time I have here to grow stronger.’

He took out the Psionic Rune and began using it.

Strangely, the pressure was even less than before. Not enough to avoid getting a migraine, just a less severe one.

‘Is it because of the Rank 4 Lava Lion’s roar? I guess there’s a silver lining in everything.’

Because of his mental sphere’s ability to withstand more pressure, he was able to increase his time with the Psionic Rune by half an hour, totaling out to two & a half.

He didn’t use it for that long, though, limiting himself to just one hour. He needed to be in perfect condition to fight against the beasts underground.

With that, Liam decided it was time for rest.

A few hours later, his cave wall burst open, and a dozen, 3-meter long Rank 3 bats screeched as they laid their blood red eyes on him.

Liam cursed as he jolted awake and instantly took out his blades, assuming a passive stance and waiting for the bats to engage him first.

One after the other, the bats screeched and dense, corrosive smoke spewed out from their mouths and shot at him.

Liam had limited space to evade within that small cave, and parts of his flesh had been swallowed by the black smoke, while he used his blades to cover the rest of the attacks.

At the same time, some of the bats decided to fly into his cave for a closer attack, but that was exactly the moment Liam was looking for.

The membrane under his muscles had stored those feelings of pain, glowing fervently the more his body was damaged, and with a thought, Liam activated its special ability.

The glowing membrane vibrated for a moment and lost its glow, but an addicting feeling of strength came over Liam.

His blade flashed, and streaks of dark blood flew in the air – bat corpses thudded on the ground beneath him. Among those dead bats were even middle and upper tier Rank 3’s.

Liam’s arms didn’t have much difficulty with running his blade through a Rank 3 magical beast anymore. As he fought, his lips curved to form a grin.

Knowing they couldn’t beat him in close range, the Night Bats cleverly kept their distance, continuously shooting ethereal balls of smoke.

Liam frowned, but he still had a way of reaching the bats.

‘Third form. Equinox.’

His blades glowed with an iridescent light, and two bright arcs shot out and cut the bats’ wings, briefly illuminating the pitch-black surroundings.

Although the ‘Ora’ he infused with his attacks were much purer and dense, his martial art was still Rank 2, and he couldn’t express his core’s true potential.

More and more arcs followed, and the bats had no way of keeping themselves afloat, falling into the endless abyss.

Liam heaved a slight breath, before his gaze fell on the bat corpses around him.

Rank 3 bodies came with more digestive capabilities.

‘My provisions will end soon. I’ll have to get… creative.’

Liam skinned the bats and removed their cores, leaving only the black flesh.

Gulping, he chomped down on the raw meat – his stomach hurled at the disgusting taste, but he forced down the nauseous feeling and continued chewing.

If it came to survival, there was nothing Liam wouldn’t do.

Chapter 52: Pack


Using the bats’ hairy bodies, Liam weaved together a long black robe, covering him from shoulder to shin. It was roughly made and impractical, but somehow, aesthetically pleasing.

‘It’ll do for now.’ He thought, before assessing his circumstances.

‘Right now, I’m in the Night Bats’ territory. Further along are the Death Owls and Plague Rats… I need to explore this place horizontally and find out what to do.’

Liam’s stern gaze fell towards the abyss.

‘Going down is inevitable. I’ll need to prepare for it.’

With a plan in mind, Liam spent the following days jumping from cave to cave, all the while, the threat of magical beasts never relented.

He killed beast after beast, and each cave he went into was infested with dozens of them. His battle prowess naturally increased, and he made sure not to fall behind in training his mental sphere.

In the span of two weeks, he passed by the territories of the Plague Rats, Darkness Python’s and Death Owls – moving forward.

Over time, he got used to the taste of raw meat. He didn’t even gag or wretch anymore when he ate them.

His previously scorched hair started to grow as well, eventually growing long enough to reach his eyeline – resembling an undercut parted in the middle.

However, his green eyes took on a bestial look. Living with magical beasts for so long had its effects.

Nonetheless, Liam’s appearance was the least of his worries, since despite two weeks passing by and hundreds of meters traversed, he was unable to find anything useful to help him escape.

Liam shook his head.

‘I’ve done nothing but kill beasts and jump from one cave to another like a monkey. Repeating the same thing for another week isn’t wise.’

His steeled gaze shifted towards the abyss once more.

‘If I can’t go up… I’ll need to go down.’

His intent had been set, and without delay, he slowly but steadily began to descend, choosing the easiest magical beast types for him to deal with on the way.

He was forced to use the Fleeting Foot spell a few times during his journey, since the packs lower down were much more powerful and higher in number.

Using the spell didn’t give him drawbacks anymore. Repeated usage, however, was bound to cause negative effects.

It took another week to get closer and closer to the abyss, though the process was slow, Liam had to rest after clearing a single beast pack.

Once he got close enough, he realized the ‘abyss’ he saw was actually a screen of thick, dark smoke, blocking his mental energy from piercing through it.

Before carelessly jumping through the screen, he threw a Night Bat corpse at it, paying close attention to any changes.

The dead bat plummeted and submerged itself within the darkness – Liam caught a glimpse of its body being visibly corroded, before he lost sight of it completely.

‘There’s no other option but to endure the smoke and climb down.’

Liam frowned, but took out his katana and wakizashi nonetheless.

A moment later, he used them as a piton to climb into the corrosive smoke, holding his breath.

It felt as though his entire body was being dipped in acid, but he gritted his teeth and forced himself to climb downwards.

He obviously closed his eyes to avoid being blinded, and used his mental waves to assess when to open them.

An entire minute had passed with him in that state, before he finally felt the smoke dissipate.

Before he could catch his breath, loud sounds of wings flapping entered his ears.

His eyes widened in shock as they witnessed a giant Rank 4 Night Bat flying towards him — a considerable distance away, but with its maws wide open.

Liam didn’t let the fear paralyze him, not like last time. His mental energy spread instantly, brushing against the terrain for a foothold.

He seemed to be at the top of a dungeon – where the canyon gorge intersected with the rough, jagged ceiling.

Wing flapping noises grew louder – Liam’s heart pumped like an engine, the noises syncing with each other.

His narrowed eyes spotted a small alcove, just big enough for him to fit in.

He could feel the Night Bat – which was 6 meters large and, with its wings unfurled, spanned more than 15 meters – behind him. A trail of smog followed its trajectory, corroding the stone it brushed against.

Liam cocked his thighs – every one of his muscles bulging – then propelled himself at the alcove at an incredible speed – the sweat on his face dragged away from just how fast he was.

He collided with the cave, cracking his shoulder, but just a second later, the giant bat flew past him – a tiny wisp of its smoke entering the space he occupied.

That tiny black wisp fell on his foot and instantly consumed a chunk of his flesh before dissipating.

Liam bit on his lip to suppress his shout, grunting in pain.

Panting heavily, he took out a bit of rat hide to cover the oozing wound with, before he started to absorb ‘Ora’ from his surroundings.

The world essence was much more dense in that space, and ‘Ora’ naturally nourished his body.

That chunk of consumed flesh started to heal, pieces of tissue squirming and conjoining to form new muscles. His shoulder was still cracked, but thankfully, they would reform over time.

After calming down, he decided to peer down from the cavity and survey his surroundings properly.

His eyes widened in complete shock.

An incredibly vast, uneven dungeon floor met his incredulous eyes. Dark stone pillars rose from its scarred and battle worn surface, upon which a few Rank 4 Night Bats and Death Owls perched upon. Updat𝒆d fr𝒐m nov𝒆lb(i)n.c(o)m

On the ground, Elephants, Lizards, Panthers and even Crocodiles lived in their own habitats, but strangely, they co-existed with one another and didn’t infringe on each other’s territories.

That didn’t necessarily mean they weren’t hostile to different species, judging by their powerful growls and hisses vibrating through the air.

All were in the fourth Rank, and had the same element of darkness. From what Liam could see, there were more than a dozen Rank 4 beasts… in each pack.

Some looked bigger than others, meaning they were even in different stages.

Overall, the area was bigger than Ucladd and the Underground combined. And further along, were large passages, covered with veils of darkness which Liam’s mortal eyes couldn’t see past.

Within the very center of the entire wide plain, was a giant pit, exuding a faint yellow light. Dense ‘Ora’ vapor visibly oozed from it, and from where Liam was, he couldn’t see the bottom.

Chapter 53: Years


Liam cursed countless times in his mind, forcing himself to calm down. Still, paranoia and dread would whisper in his ears.

His will and ambition were merely ideas compared to a Zenith ranked magical beast, and there were countless of them before his eyes.

Heaving a shaky sigh, he sat cross-legged in cultivation.

Liam noticed how even the Zeniths didn’t approach the pit. If that was the case, there was bound to be an even stronger being down there.

The source of dense ‘Ora’ pointed him to that conclusion. Magical beasts and other creatures naturally flocked to locations where they could absorb purer world essence – increasing their numbers and strength simultaneously.

Liam grimaced, his meditation hardly one of peace.

‘I’m pretty much fu—’


A voice called out from outside Liam’s cave, causing him to scowl.

‘Someone else?’

Liam peeked over the corner, spotting a dark figure waving at him on a similar cavity to his own.

“Over here!” He whisperingly shouted, unfurling a large rope and throwing it at Liam – who instantly grabbed it.

Upon closer inspection, the rope had a sharp tip, which could firmly root itself to stone. It was even inscribed.

“Quick, before those bloody bats spot us!”

Liam hesitated, but the sounds of wings flapping made him erase any doubt.

He stabbed the tip on the ground before traversing the rope with wide strides – arriving at the figure’s side, just enough to see his face.

It was a middle-aged man, with black eyes, a scarred face, and long, unkempt hair – rough skinned, as though corroded and healed repeatedly.

He wore a tight black robe, made from a similar material as Liam’s own. A black ring wrapped around his index indicated his status as a cultivator.

The two stood on a hollow ledge, but behind the man, was a circular tunnel that steeped downwards. The sourc𝗲 of this content nov(𝒆l)bi((n))

“I knew it! The array alerted me of something other than a beast!” The man beamed, grabbing Liam by the shoulders. “Young man, you’re a cultivator, right?”

Liam nodded firmly, waving aside the man’s hands.

“Who are you? How’d you get here?”

The man took a step back and shook his head.

“I’ve been down here for so long I’ve forgotten my manners… the name’s Kirk Hoist. And this place?” Kirk paused, his face turning dark.

“…Is despair.”

Liam scowled.

“I’ll explain. But first, let’s get somewhere… safe,” Kirk gestured for Liam to follow him down the incline. “If there’s any chance of us getting out of here alive, we’ll have to work together. What’s your Rank?”

Liam briefly assessed the tunnel they were in. It was raw and uneven, but long – it would take years of work to build a similar tunnel by hand, that is, without the use of spells or magical abilities.

As they continued, tremors shook the tunnels, causing rubble and dust to fall over the two.

“Rank 3 body, Rank 1 core, Rank 1 sea of consciousness,” Liam spoke after a short pause. “What’s with the tremors?”

Kirk’s eyes widened – both in joyous surprise and similar shock. “Good, good! That makes you a Rank 1 middle stage cultivator, then. Though, how you’re at that stage at such a young age makes me question things.”

The ranking of a cultivator depended on all three of his centers of power.

For example, a Rank 2 magus with a Rank 2 body and a peak Rank 1 core, would be a peak Rank 1 cultivator – but the rankings could vary depending on which stage each center of power was.

However, the cultivator’s capabilities and strength could not be measured by ranks alone. They were more or less accurate estimations – the rest depended on spells, techniques and third party abilities.

“I myself am at the peak of Rank 1. I wish I put a little more effort into cultivation… but my noble status truly spoiled me.”

Kirk’s explanation caused Liam a bit of relief.

‘If he tries to fight me, killing him won’t be impossible. I doubt he’s as proficient with the blade as I am, too.’

Liam didn’t leave any possibility out. Repeating the cycle of killing, eating and training undoubtedly had him on edge.

Still, how a noble ended up in such a situation didn’t really make sense.

“About the tremors, Rank 4 Devourer Moles live underneath these grounds. Cursed things have collapsed my tunnels more than I can count, making me relocate each time. They can sense the slightest vibrations, so I need to go slow each time I form a tunnel. I’m of the Earth element, by the way. You?”

Liam shrugged. “Don’t know. Haven’t found out yet.”

Kirk looked a bit disappointed, letting out a soft sigh.

At the tunnel’s end, a small circular entrance grew visible.

The pair entered with Kirk in the lead, and Liam had the chance to assess his surroundings.

Similar to a noble’s manor, the space – which was roughly the size of a large living room – was furnished with tables and chairs made of rock.

It smelled absolutely rancid, but then again, there was no water to wash themselves with – Liam himself smelled like a dead dog carcass.

“It’s safe. This is one of the corners of the underground.” Kirk reassured.

Liam nodded and slightly untensed.

“How long have you been here?”

Kirk smiled wryly with a sigh, dragging a chair and sitting on it.

“Two years.”

Chapter 54: Spells

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Liam tried to suppress a look of shock from appearing on his face, yet he failed to do so.

Kirk lowered his tone as he explained. “This ‘abyss’ is a home for hundreds of Rank 4 darkness magical beasts,”

“I don’t know how or why they all gather here, or why they don’t fight against one another… it’s way too strange. They even breed abnormally in order to increase their numbers, then viciously eat each other to grow stronger.”

“Whatever it is, my theory… is that it has something to do with that ‘Ora’ mine in the center.”

Liam raised a brow. “What’s an ‘Ora’ mine?”

“It’s where ‘Ora’ Stones start to form, the purest and most basic form of it. There are multiple ways for ‘Ora’ to form, starting with the gaseous form, then liquid, then solid – the best state it could come in.”

“‘Ora’ mines are invaluable locations, and owning a mine half the size of that pit, you would automatically be able to fund a large-sized family. Even an ‘Ora’ Well could have the same results – the liquid version of an ‘Ora’ mine.”

“They have incredibly pure and dense world essence in them, and can produce up to 500 thousand or up to 1 million ‘Ora’ stones if mined.” Kirk clarified. “For all I know, it might rival the ‘Ora’ mines the Royals of Echoria might have!”

Liam was a bit taken aback, his face growing pensive.

There was no way a noble family, even large-sized, would be allowed to seize that big a mine for themselves. Not just because of the zeniths surrounding it, but the politics and rules that it came with.

Either way, he wasn’t interested in those things. What worried him was how the beasts didn’t get close to the pit.

Liam shook his head. “What else can you tell me?”

Kirk’s face grew stern. “I’ve been spending my time here building a network of tunnels and passageways towards that ‘Ora’ mine – at least, those that haven’t collapsed.

“Whatever it is, it could lead us to a way out of this place… or lead to our deaths. Either way, it’s the only option we currently have.”

Liam frowned. “How close are you to the ‘Ora’ mine?”

Kirk sighed. “Not close at all. Tunneling takes too much time, and I have to be extremely careful as I do it, too.”

Liam inwardly clicked his tongue. “Is there any way to continue the rest of the journey on foot after the nearest tunnel?”

Kirk was a bit taken aback, as though not expecting that answer.

“Well… yes, but that would take more than a few months to pull off. There are a few routes I’ve marked that have the lowest number of threats – both physical and environmental, but we’ll need to time, and execute it perfectly.”

Liam paused for a moment, then nodded.

“That’s what we’ll do then. Tunneling would take too long, and it’s riskier than going on land because of the moles.”

“What spells or techniques do you have? There’s no point in keeping them for yourself at this point, you’ll have a much better chance of survival if you share them with me.”

Kirk chuckled, perhaps the first time in years.

“Cheeky, aren’t you?” He teased, before taking out a few scrolls from his ring.

“I have four spells with me at the moment, and one of them is an earth specific spell. You can use this chance to see if you have the same element as me.”

Liam instantly grabbed the scrolls and began to memorize their diagrams eagerly, hiding a smile from appearing on his face.

At the same time, he brought out his Fleeting Foot spell and handed it to Kirk. He wanted to maximize the chances of survival, and he had to fight back his greedy instincts to keep the spell for himself.

Nonetheless, Kirk had given him three, while he only gave one in return. It was a fair thing to do.

Kirk nodded in return, grabbing the scroll.

“You can use that free room if you’d like,” Kirk pointed at a make-shift door made of solid stone. “I’ll be on my own. Let me know if you need anything.”

Liam nodded, entering the small space and memorizing the spells.

The three spells fit Liam’s needs like a glove. They were all in the first rank, but had useful functions.

The first was called ‘Thicken’ – a defensive spell which briefly thickened the mental sphere walls in case of a mental attack. It used a good amount of mental energy, but in his case, it was worth it.

‘If one of those Rank 4 beasts roar or screech, with this, it won’t shatter my mental sphere… from a distance, at least.’ Liam thought with satisfaction. He didn’t dare underestimate a zenith’s abilities.

On the other hand, ‘Lethality Mantle’ was an enhancing spell that had the ability to coat the user’s blade with a membrane of sharpness using mental energy.

Its usage of mental energy wasn’t that much, but it required a constant amount to work.

Without a doubt, it would bolster his battle prowess against beasts of the third Rank.

Lastly, the bodily spell ‘Cartilage Brace’, used ‘Ora’ and mental energy to briefly thicken his already strengthened bones, granting him a defensive crutch to use in times of danger.

Liam’s mental sphere was his greatest strength, and even though the spells required high amounts of mental energy if used together, he was able to do so briefly.

Furthermore, Liam realized he wasn’t of the Earth element, since the elemental spell didn’t work when he used it.

‘That’s fine. I’m happy with any element at this point.’

Liam’s eyes flickered with the stubborn flame of willpower, and the ruthless resolve for survival.

‘I’ll live. I’ll survive.’

Chapter 55: Territory


Liam spent a week learning the layout of tunnels that Kirk had made throughout the years, as well as keeping in touch with his training schedule.

Resembling an ants nest, the network of tunnels connected to different parts of the abyss. Those closer towards the center had already collapsed, and only through avoiding magical beast habitats did Kirk successfully tunnel deeper.

Kirk had spent nearly two years in the Abyss, which gave him strange habits – like muttering to himself or chuckling under his breath at random times.

Such behavior was understandable… for the normal person. Visit no(v)eLb(i)n.𝘤𝑜𝓂 for the best novel reading experience

Although two years in seclusion was something torturous for the normal person to go through, Liam found peace in solitude, and spent the majority of his first life alone.

Nonetheless, Liam didn’t pay it much heed and focused on the journey at hand, training his mental sphere and nourishing his body.

Furthermore, he was finally able to eat cooked food, since Kirk created a makeshift bonfire using sticks and stones. They couldn’t heat it for too long, though, in fear of any of the beasts having some sort of heat sensing ability.

Liam couldn’t help but remember his mother’s face when he ate – two weeks of him being away caused her stress, but it had been more than two months that Liam spent underground.

‘She probably thinks I’m dead now.’

Tremors constantly echoed throughout their dwelling, seemingly growing stronger as time passed. Or closer.

Thankfully, it was time to leave the underground once and for all.

Liam and Kirk spent roughly two weeks sketching out a plan – marking the best routes and least riskiest methods of traversal.

“From what I’ve seen, the elephants and crocodiles are much more docile compared to the lizards and panthers. They naturally ooze huge amounts of dark smoke from their giant bodies, but our path should be more or less far away from them.” Kirk explained, looking at a detailed map made of beast hide.

“Granted, peak Rank 3 Elephants and Crocodiles have infested that route. We’ll need to act swift and silently.”

Liam nodded in response.

The threat of beasts wasn’t actually what worried them, but the possibility of being found out by the zenith Ranked monsters did.

A night’s rest allowed the pair to bring their bodies to peak condition – granted, the constant tremors didn’t do much for their sleep.

The next day, Liam’s eyes emitted a focused pressure – devoid of fear or any unnecessary emotion.

Kirk was no different – the promise of freedom after such a torturous period made him look much more menacing than the average noble.

“You ready?” Kirk asked.

Liam heaved a soft sigh and firmly nodded.

The two exchanged an understanding look, before they entered a different tunnel, slowly walking towards freedom… or death.


Quakes echoed throughout the dark underground passages Kirk and Liam traversed through, causing small amounts of rubble and dust to fall at them from above.

The Abyss was huge, and after walking an entire day, they had finally reached the end of the narrow tunnel.

Kirk exchanged a knowing look with Liam.

A moment later, Kirk made a series of gestures, an exit slowly starting to form – the dark stone was slowly being peeled layer by layer, until finally, they were able to leave through it and assess their surroundings.

Ethereal dark vapor naturally floated around them like rivers – intersecting with each other to create a network of streams – and towards their right, monstrous sized elephants rested not too far away.

Their giant bodies were cloaked in shadow, while black smoke bellowed from their trunks – enveloping their habitats. They resembled small hills amongst the vastness of the Abyss floor.

Liam and Kirk’s path had been closest to a corner of the underground, which was also why the lower ranked beasts lived there – they were merely their underlings.

Dozens of the same species of elephant blocked their path up ahead. Their bodies were twice the size of a normal elephant, but their aura wasn’t nearly as powerful as a Rank 4 beast.

Kirk and Liam carefully avoided the corrosive black gas, but an encounter with the beasts was inevitable.

Thankfully, they came prepared.

An unfortunate elephant that blocked their path suddenly felt its feet absorbed into the ground, rendering it unable to move.

Its trunk curled up as it attempted to shout and alert its pack leaders, yet a shadow blurred towards it, severing its organ.

Not a moment later, a sharp pain pierced its brain, killing it instantly.

Liam was satisfied, but his stern face didn’t express it.

He had used Lethality Mantle to coat his blades with sharpness, which allowed for his blade to easily run through even a peak Rank 3 beast. He didn’t even have to use his blades’ special ability.

Kirk’s earth aptitude proved to be extremely useful for the two – since he could manipulate the terrain and create a slow but steady advance.

Like so, the process repeated itself, with no major threat appearing to either of them.

Strangely, the two worked well together, with Kirk focusing on subduing the beasts, and Liam finishing them off.

Another week passed, with the pair growing exhausted and requiring rest.

Kirk spent a good part of the day slowly but silently creating a cavity underground – which they were to spend the night in.

With the ‘Ora’ Mine growing closer, the density of ‘Ora’ around them grew by at least tenfold.

“We should be close to leaving their territory now. We just have to get through the Crocodile region and then make our way into the pit.” Kirk said, chewing a roasted piece of meat.

Liam nodded, forcefully gulping down a mouthful of food.

A moment later, the pair went to sleep.

Chapter 56: Nightmare

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Resting wasn’t peaceful.

Violent tremors – which grew in strength and duration as they made their way to the center – jolted Liam awake.

Kirk miraculously still slept.

‘Too lax.’

Right as he thought that, Liam suddenly felt what seemed like mental energy on his figure – brushing over his body like a firm but gentle touch – giving him the feeling of being watched.

For a moment, he thought it was Kirk, dreaming and subconsciously using his mental waves – but the man looked like he was going through a nightmare.

Liam frowned. The mental energy disappeared just as fast as it had appeared.

‘What… was that?’

Paranoia and doubt started to creep into Liam’s mind.

‘Could there be… someone else with us? Or am I imagining things?’

Needless to say, Liam didn’t sleep the rest of the night – on edge and tense.

After feeling nourished enough – though lacking a good night’s rest – they started their journey once more.

Kirk noticed a change of expression on Liam’s face, but that could have meant anything.

After a few more days of killing Elephants and resting in short intervals, they had finally entered the Crocodiles’ territory.

The terrain had visibly changed.

Black lakes made from a murky liquid appeared all around them. Ripples would form under their surface now and again, and giant scaled Crocodiles would slowly edge across the surface.

Their black reptilian irises wouldn’t move, yet Liam and Kirk both felt like they were being watched by them.

Between the lakes, narrow paths presented themselves before them, like an isthmus, leading towards the pit.

“My abilities are useless in this region,” Kirk grimaced and whispered. “We’ll have to make a run for it and hope for the best…”

Liam frowned, but there weren’t any suggestions from his side. The black lakes were another form of the darkness element, and his senses warned him of that danger – especially from the Crocodiles’ side.

Luckily, there were no beasts blocking that area, and the only threat was the Rank 4 beasts under the lake.

“Fine,” Liam agreed. “We’ll start slow, though. If the crocodiles are alerted, just use the spell I gave you and we’ll bolt from there.”

Kirk nodded in agreement, and the two heaved a synchronized sigh.

A moment later, they began to slowly tread through a narrow path, holding their breath despite the tense danger they felt.

Kirk uttered to himself in a whispering tone: “You’ll live through this. You’ll live through this. You’ll live through this.”

The rough-skinned man felt much more scared compared to Liam, despite being around Rank 4 beasts for much longer.

After all, Liam had already died once, and it wasn’t death that scared him… just the inability to accomplish his dreams.

They slowly walked along the land with seemingly no threat. The lakes were still, unmoving, and the atmosphere tense. Only slight ripples could be heard.


Suddenly, a monstrous crocodile emerged from the lake, slamming its tail against the body of water as it headed straight for the pair of invading humans.

Before it even emerged, Liam and Kirk both dashed forward, their hands and feet glowing brightly, attracting even more crocodiles their way.

Parts of the black liquid fell on Liam’s shoulder, consuming a chunk of his flesh, yet he was too focused for it to be a hindrance.

Sounds of liquid crashing violently accompanied with loud thumps resounded through the Abyss, and even the other magical beasts were alerted.

The pit was growing nearer and nearer, and the pair had never stopped running.

Their mental energies were slowly being used, but they were too focused on escaping to be worried about it.

Liam’s eyes widened as he witnessed a giant Crocodile body blocking their path in the distance.

To his left, right, and behind, distant crocodiles swam through the lakes to chase and pinch the pair.

A dark emotion appeared in Kirk’s eyes, and resolve grew in his heart.

The ‘Ora’ Mine, freedom itself was a hair’s length away – Kirk’s desperation grew to resolve. Two sickles appeared in his hands, and he shifted his head towards the young man – intent on sacrifice.

“I’m sorr-!”

Yet before he could attack, a wakizashi swiped his eyes, blinding him.

A moment later, any feeling in his hand disappeared, replaced with excruciating anguish.

It had been severed.

Before he could scream, another wound formed on his chest – his heart had been pierced.

Kirk rolled to the ground, no longer able to run. The crocodiles from behind had caught up with him in an instant, devouring his entire body in one bite.

A second later, he felt his consciousness fading, dragged into an abyss separate to the one he was in.

Meanwhile, Liam’s cold eyes didn’t show a trace of emotion as he continued to run without looking back, taking the space-ring off Kirk’s severed hand before throwing away the dead meat.

He had successfully reached the pit, but some of the crocodiles hadn’t given up their chase – gaining on him rapidly.

With no other choice, he jumped inside the pit!

Chapter 57: Stuck


Plunging down, Liam’s hair hectically fluttered upwards. With how deep the pit was, if he fell at his current speed, he would inevitably turn to mush.

Liam cursed, clutching his blades and attempting to stab them into the stone – the katana & wakizashi scraped against the rock and created sparks, but failed to penetrate the surface.

Rapidly, his blades were being shaved away – but slightly slowed his descent.

Thankfully, a curve appeared at the distant bottom, illuminated by a bright iridescent light.

Liam’s blades shattered, causing him to curse loudly again.

With no other choice, he used his bare hands and feet to slow down his plummet.

Instantly, his nails splintered – followed by the skin of his fingers and palms shredding away.

Liam didn’t dare let go – using his body slowed his descent much more effectively than his weapons.

Right when the bones underneath his flesh grew visible, Liam reached the gentle curve, rolling diagonally instead of plunging vertically. Visit no(v)eLb(i)n.𝘤𝑜𝓂 for the best novel reading experience

Panting heavily, Liam felt like his hands and feet were burning – thankfully, the regeneration that came with his Rank 3 body slowly started to reform his flesh.

Iridescent light shone on his pale face – the first brightness he had seen in months.

Liam shifted his tired gaze towards the entrance… and his chest sank.

Compared to the vastness of the ‘Ora’ Mine, he was basically a speck of dust. The walls of the mine were studded with glittering ‘Ora’ stones, shimmering like precious gems and amethysts.

Drops of pure, concentrated ‘Ora’ seeped from the gemstones, resembling sweat in the bright light. The entire area was overflowing with such gems, creating a breath-taking display of natural beauty and wealth.

However, the ceiling of the ‘Ora’ Mine was marred with claw marks – they were deep, but it looked like the same spot was attacked repeatedly.

Despite that, Liam didn’t even glance at them – instead, his attention was on something in the middle.

It was hard to miss, really.

‘It’ was a magnificent fox, with white fur that shimmered as if made of pure light. Its relaxed posture, with its muzzle resting on its crossed paws, only added to its serene appearance.

With each gentle breath it took, the nearby ‘Ora’ Stones lost their luminance and were absorbed into the fox’s being.

This peaceful picture was only made more surreal by its seven magnificent tails, each gracefully undulating in the air, as if defying the laws of gravity even in its slumber.

Calling it a mere fox would be disrespectful – it resembled a mighty Kitsune.

Strangely, it wasn’t large – even smaller by Rank 4 beast standards. It looked slightly frail, but the aura it emitted was much more dangerous than any of the darkness beasts Liam had seen.

Even at that distance, Liam felt his mental sphere being pressured… he felt watched.

Taking in a shaky, cold breath, Liam sat with his back against the cave wall, his eyes unwavering from the Kitsune.

If it woke up, Liam’s fate was sealed. He couldn’t climb up the giant pit, and he didn’t even have any weapons to defend himself.

‘Think, think!’ His mind raced for anything. Quite frankly, there were no options present for him to choose from.

His gaze shifted towards the claw marks. Upon closer inspection, the claw marks had pierced through the ‘Ora’ Mine ceiling. There were even holes that he observed – which he could easily fit through.

‘If the Kitsune made those claw marks, it couldn’t escape from here… it’s stuck. If I can somehow get there without waking it up, I can escape!’

All he could do was pray in his heart that the beast didn’t wake up due to his presence as he did so.

Heaving a long breath to calm his nerves, Liam—

…Was the Kitsune smiling at him? Oh god, it was.

Its eyes looked like bright golden suns that were glued to his figure.

“You are cunning, human.”

A deep feminine voice with a slight tinge of playfulness rang out from where the Kitsune was, and Liam’s chest sank even more.

‘I-It’s… talking?’

Its grin grew disturbingly wider.

It rose up, sitting on its frail front legs – the frightening grin didn’t leave its face, showcasing its sharp, canine teeth.

Liam felt his blood turn cold. Could it read—

“Your thoughts?” The Kitsune said, enjoying the crestfallen look on Liam’s face.

Climbing up the pit sounded a lot more plausible now, but he couldn’t move a single muscle – a firm pressure held his body still.

“I must say, I never expected you to be the first to betray your fellow human. Watching you two make your way to certain death has been… entertaining.”

A look of realization fell on Liam’s face. He ground his teeth and grimaced. He didn’t fail to notice the fox’s choice of words.

“The mental waves… they were yours. How?”

The Kitsune scoffed.

“With how anxious you looked, I thought you might turn back and cower like humans usually do.”

This time, Liam scoffed. He didn’t know why, but when nearing death, his confidence soared.

“Isn’t that what you’re doing now?”

Head-splitting pressure assaulted Liam’s mental sphere – forcing him on his knees. Had he not used Thicken just in time, it would’ve gotten riddled with cracks.

“I must have been too lax with how I treated you, human. I’ll make sure to savor your flesh.”

The pressure slowly mounted, enveloping his brain from all sides. Liam’s mental sphere buckled and strained – preparing to shatter at any second.

He squirmed on the ground clutching his head. Veins popped on his neck – his tone strained as he managed to squeeze out a few words.

“I can… bring you… out of here.”

The pressure lessened considerably, enough for Liam to catch his weak breath.

Chapter 58: Absurd


The words seemed to have an effect on the Kitsune – it even gave Liam a respite to catch himself.


Heaving multiple breaths, Liam rose from the ground and fixed his gaze to the fox.

“You’re stuck here. I don’t know how long, but you’re at a dead end unless something comes along and changes your circumstances.”

“Well, I’m that something.”

Liam had to steele his gaze when looking at the Kitsune – who scoffed coldly in response.

“Big words for such a weak little being like yourself. I can kill you with a single thought. What gives you such power?”

Liam creased his brows. He had to make his case, and he couldn’t do it by looking weak despite the pressure.

He took out a scroll from his ring.

It was the Primordial Forging method.

“Do you know what this is?”

The Kitsune remained silent, awaiting an explanation.

“My forging method allows me to refine a magical beast’s will and imbue it into a weapon or item. I’m sure you know where I’m going with this.”

Again, the Kitsune didn’t say anything.

“If you give me enough time, I’m sure I can… resuscitate you.”

Liam was careful with how he phrased his words, using all his willpower to still his mind.

Basically, he was asking the fox to kill itself – giving him a piece of its core or mental energy, which he didn’t even know could work – then somehow giving the Kitsune into a new form.

Liam didn’t know what to think of the Kitsune’s silence. He decided to further make his point.

“You’ve been here for how long? You don’t plan on attacking the ceiling over and over, do you? You don’t look like your greatest aspect is strength, after all.”

“All the while, those beasts above are getting stronger and stronger. Some have already made their way to the middle stage of the fourth Rank, it seems.”

The Kitsune was uncomfortably silent – staring at him with those bright suns for eyes.

“I’m not promising instant results. I’ll need time. Lots of time. If you entrust me with a piece of your core and mental energy, I can do it.”

The fox sensed truth and conviction in Liam’s mind.

After all, it could read his thoughts.

The boy really thought he could accomplish that feat – resuscitating a magical beast in a new form.

Suddenly, the air around the Kitsune changed – like an iridescent mist had dispersed around it.

Liam’s eyes widened. What he’d been seeing was actually an illusion that the Kitsune was hidden behind.

In reality, the frail fox looked much worse – marred with countless bite marks and bruises, four of its tails missing, and one of its eyes blinded – the previous shimmer of its fur gone.

It even breathed with difficulty, and it didn’t look like those wounds were healable.

“Cursed Opposition. As soon as I awakened a mind, my body turned weak.”

After a long pause, the Kitsune spoke with a much raspier voice.

“Give me your eyes.”

Liam blinked, his skin somehow turning paler.


The Kitsune shot him a hard glare.

“You’ve yet to convince me. I want to know how far you’re willing to go for it – for survival. As of now, you’re far too weak to make grand promises, and I can’t entrust my life to someone weak-willed.”

“Come closer and give me your eyes.”

Liam gulped, letting out a soft breath, making his way towards the fox. The Kitsune was kind enough to remove any pressure it put on him.

Liam took a good look around, the last he would take. Then he frowned, glaring at the Kitsune defiantly – the pressure exuding from him was actually much heavier than what was possible for a Rank 1 magus, but that did nothing to the fox.

Tensing his hand and body, Liam shot his fingers into his right eye socket, wriggling his fingertips to wrap around his eyeball.

Pangs of unadulterated pain assaulted his senses, but he didn’t stop – curling his fingers around his eyeball and clenching it.

With one swift motion, he yanked!


The optic nerves holding his eye in place pulled and snapped, making Liam almost lose his consciousness due to how agonizing it was. Thick blood started to flow from the now empty hole.

Biting on his tongue to steady his mind, he began with his left eye – turning his index, thumb and middle finger into a claw – tearing it out in the same fashion as he did his right.

Liam growled, his eye sockets burning hotter than molten – tears of blood ran across his pale cheeks. Even his regeneration hurt, as pieces of his flesh tried to squirm together and reform.

Obviously, his vision had faded too, leaving him in the dark with only his wavering senses intact.

Liam gripped the bloodied eyeballs in his hands and threw them on the floor, as if they weren’t a blessing.

‘If this is the price for one more day… then I’ll gladly pay it!’

With Liam blinded, he couldn’t see the contemplative glimmer in the Kitsune’s eyes.

That forging method certainly had the potential to do wonders, but it had to have a capable forgemaster behind it.

The fox had been stuck underground for decades – with the darkness beasts above constantly invading its space. It had run out of cards long ago, and by chance, one had come its way.

Though, the idea of a Rank 4 Zenith trusting a Rank 1 Mortal was absolutely unheard of – even myths and legends don’t speak of a tale so absurd.

“…Very well.”

Those two words sounded more pleasant to Liam than anything he’d heard.

Chapter 59: Eye


The Kitsune had agreed. Liam’s luck looked up for once – though, with the pain he was going through, he couldn’t enjoy that feeling.

“How would this work? You’re too small to carry my core or mental energy.” The Kitsune stated.

A wry, hopeful look appeared on Liam’s pained face.

“I was hoping you would know something about that.”

The Kitsune scoffed. Updat𝒆d fr𝒐m nov𝒆lb(i)n.c(o)m

“You really didn’t think this through, did you?”

Liam didn’t respond, grounding his teeth in response to the pain.

The Kitsune let out a raspy breath, but its eye started to glow brightly a second later.

“If I was just a realm stronger, this wouldn’t have happened…”

Clouds of ‘Ora’ from the surrounding gems suddenly gathered into one spot, condensing and glowing fervently like an iridescent sun.

As it condensed, serene ripples formed all throughout the giant ‘Ora’ Mine – chipping away at its value as it sucked the dense world essence.

Slowly, the Kitsune’s giant, sun-like eye left its skull, shooting into the condensed world essence, basking in it and absorbing the ‘Ora’.

Simultaneously, the fox’s thick mental waves were added to the mix too – imbued with profound meanings.

Meanwhile, Liam could only hear thunderous noises that shook his body to the core. Whatever it was, he was patient to find out – the pain in his eyes reduced to an agonizing, but tolerable amount.

The strange process continued for a few minutes, and a moment later, the Kitsune’s eye had absorbed all the ‘Ora’, becoming hotter than magma, while glowing brighter than the sun. It floated mid-air, casting rays of light in all directions.

At the same time, it was small.

…The size of a human’s eye.

The Kitsune’s aura was no longer menacing and powerful – looking like a husk of itself – but the eye it produced looked like a royal treasure.

“Grit your teeth.” It breathed.

Using its mental energy, the fox shot the eye towards Liam’s right eye socket, smashing into his face and causing him to fall backwards a considerable distance.


Liam grunted, but those grunts turned to a yell, which turned into shouts of sheer pain a second later, coursing his throat. Veins bulged on his neck, pulsing with his faint heartbeat.

Death felt like a sweet release – the eye felt like molten in his skull, but the pain wasn’t due to that.

His mental sphere felt like it was boiling.

…Well, it was. The eye forcefully connected itself to it – assimilating to it like a cancer.

Torn optic nerves reformed and instantly connected to the new organ. Safe to say, it was the worst feeling he had ever experienced in his lifetimes, spiraling his mind into chaos.

The Kitsune didn’t pay any heed to those screams, and its body started to glow radiantly.

With a sterner, raspier tone of voice, it spoke as Liam continued to writhe in pain:

“Consider my eye as a loan. You wouldn’t be able to handle it with how it is, so I made it so it’ll grow stronger with your mind.”

“I will imbue you with my mental energy and ‘Ora’. Whenever you deem it fit to… ‘resuscitate’ me, simply pour ‘Ora’ into it.”

“Do not fail me… Liam Royce.”

On those words, the Kitsune’s body grew drier and curled into a frail husk, devoid of any life.

…However, a small part of its body turned into a streak of light that shot onto Liam’s body, forming a tattoo of a seven tailed-fox on his lower abdomen – removing the Binding Oath that covered Liam’s core.

Meanwhile, Liam hadn’t stopped screaming from the top of his lungs – the pain simply didn’t stop, mounting pain upon pain!

His right eye shone brightly, illuminating the now dim ‘Ora’ Mine.

At the same time, strange memories and emotions clouded Liam’s mind underneath the veil of pain – fragmented and hazy.

He saw himself walking as a four-legged beast – strong, but without thought or intellect. He acted on instinct and desire alone.

Another fragmented memory arrived. He saw himself walking into a familiar gorge, allured by the trails of thick ‘Ora’ in the surroundings.

Then, he spotted dozens of beasts similar in strength to his own there – elephants, crocodiles and panthers – their fur and powers black.

A vicious fight ensued – between light and dark. Liam barely won, his body and figure wounded severely. There were many more, but he threw himself down the pit and found the ‘Ora’ Mine.

There, he spent days, months, years. There he awakened his mind – he could think. More memories poured into Liam’s brain – ethereal and scattered – of previous generations of his species.

Not to mention, he became a Zenith.

That feeling alone trumped any other Liam had felt times a thousand. That power, that surge of strength, that superiority.

However, his mind came at the cost of his body. His limbs turned weak and frail, and his physique was infinitely weaker than its Rank 4 counterparts.

Liam’s eye slowly opened – a cold, royal, condescending pressure spreading to his surroundings from just that action alone.

Pain was no longer the dominant feeling he was going through. Though, the sensitive migraine and aching body he felt was enough to make a grown man cry.

The dim ‘Ora’ Mine cast a weak glow on his face. By the time the Kitsune was done with the eye, it had absorbed all the ‘Ora’ from the gemstones, leaving dark, glowing shards behind.

And boy did Liam’s eye feel unreal.

Through the eye, he could actually see different colors he couldn’t name beneath the darkness. Moreover, he could see natural ‘Ora’ in the air, as well as the strange patterns it contained.

Besides that, he accidentally discovered he could ‘zoom’ in and out with his sight – giving him the ability to scan his surroundings with unadulterated clarity.

Looking at his reflection through a dark gemstone, he saw how his eye was no longer green, but orange and golden, similar to a glorious sunset. As he ‘zoomed’ in, the pupil constricted and dilated.

A wide grin formed on Liam’s face. He attempted to voice a few words, but his throat was too coarse to function.

Instantly, he thought of a name for his new eye – thinking of his last name on earth, in addition to the Kitsune’s regal aura…

‘King’s Eye… good enough.’

Chapter 60: Superior


Nonetheless, Liam shifted his focus to his mental sphere. There was still pain, but it was bearable.

Liam was afraid that his sea of consciousness could be riddled with cracks or soft spots.

To his relief, there wasn’t any.

However, there was a golden shimmer that his translucent walls gained, along with similarly golden lines inscribed all throughout the barrier – it was assimilated into Liam’s mental sphere.

Liam thought back to the Kitsune’s words. The eye would improve each time his mental sphere advanced, and he couldn’t help but want to test out its capabilities.

‘I’ll have to be careful from now on, though. I can’t show this power to anyone else.’

Liam came back to reality, heaving a deep sigh. He instantly took out all the food he had and started wolfing it down.

Calling him exhausted was an understatement, and Liam felt like his body was covered with mud.

Once his body stopped trembling from hunger, he took a peek into Kirk’s ring. Liam felt no pity as he killed him, since the former was intent on doing the same.

Shaking his head, Liam chose not to dwell on those feelings. In the first place, it was his emotional detachment that allowed him to survive for so long, ignoring the pleas of his many victims.

He wiped away Kirk’s remaining ‘Ora’ imprint on the ring using his mental energy, then inspected it.

The space was roughly 35 square meters, much larger than all his other rings.

Inside, Liam counted roughly 450 ‘Ora’ Stones, in addition to a bunch of pills he didn’t know the use for – five Rank 2 and one Rank 3 spell of the earth Element.

There were Rank 1 and Rank 0 spells as well, but none could work without having the earth element.

Despite his findings, the spells weren’t useful to him, and they were blatant indicators of Kirk’s murder. The ring was too, but Liam had no plans on throwing the contents out.

‘I’ll keep the ring hidden for now. I can sell its contents if or when I leave Ucladd.’

In addition to that, he found a few Jade’s, but since they were underground, their usage was useless.

He didn’t fail to notice the Binding Oath around his core was no longer there.

Before he could organize his items, the sound of thudding, scratching, and screeching entered his ears.

Looking over his shoulder, a deep frown scrunched his face – he instantly started to run for the walls while activating Fleeting Foot.

A distance away, the Rank 4 darkness beasts continued to throw themselves down the pit.

Crocodiles, Panthers and Elephants dragged themselves on the walls with no regard to their bodies – their attention stuck to a small figure a distance away.

With the presence of the Kitsune gone, the beasts decided to finally enter the ‘Ora’ Mine and revel in its thick world essence – only to find it empty.

Moreover, the Kitsune was turned into a mummified corpse, devoid of any nutrients.

Anger churned within them… which they decided to take out on that running human who was there before them.

A chase ensued.

Liam was a huge distance away from them, and the Elephants and Crocodiles weren’t fast enough to chase him.

The Panthers were.

More than half a dozen sprinted to his figure at full speed, their limbs blurring and turning into shadows.

They were incredibly fast.

Thankfully, Liam had a good head start.

‘Why are you chasing me?! Fight each other, you dogs!’

As if answering his plea, shockwaves and booms bellowed out from a distance – a clash had broken between the beasts.

Liam cursed, but the giant cave wall was soon to be in reach.

Blasts, growls, and screeches reached Liam’s ears, but due to the distance and him using Thicken, there was no damage on his mental sphere except a bearable pressure.

Devourer Moles entered the clash, bursting through the ground and ceiling – their giant maws swallowing entire chunks of the mine.

Rubble started to fall violently, boulders smashing against those below.

The entire mine was going to collapse!

Before the rapidly approaching panthers caught him, Liam gripped the jotting ‘Ora’ Stones in the wall, pushing himself upwards with all the strength he could muster.

Beneath his skin, the membrane shook, injecting him with a jolt of strength.

Like a mammal sprinting on land, Liam propelled himself up with wide strides.

Just then, the Panthers reached where he was a moment ago – growling in anger at the meal they missed.

Shortly after, they entered the fray with the other beasts.

Liam spent the next few hours carefully climbing towards the roof of the ‘Ora’ Mine, where countless holes led upwards to the surface.

Before entering one of the holes and heading upwards, Liam took one last look towards the bottom to witness the battle between Rank 4 existences.

From above, he felt superior, watching Zeniths get crushed by giant boulders, struggling to move.

Gushing waves of darkness covered the underground cave like a rising canopy.

Liam watched for a few minutes before the entire structure threatened to collapse.

It was unlike him. His ego had never gotten in the way of his survival, but being the cause of death to so many Zeniths gave him a look of supremacy.

“Out of all you superior beings, I came out on top!” He shouted with a magical beast’s pride.

With a glare of condescension, he started climbing upwards.


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Born In Blood

Born In Blood

Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2023 Native Language: English
His mother died when she gave birth to him, his father a physically abusive alcoholic. Life is not kind to Darius King. Darius would have dreams of being in a world of magic, but alas, his dreams would always end. He hated life, and life hated him, so he ended both his and his father's. When reincarnating into a peasant-like lifestyle as Liam, in the town of Ucladd, Darius realizes he has entered the world of cultivation! With his ambitious, ruthless, and curious nature combining into one, he paves a bloody path to power. Shifting his gaze from the Earth towards the Sky, nothing will stop him on his path for strength. “I will touch the stars... or die trying.”


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