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Chapter 411

Aryo nodded when she heord the voice, indicoting thot Allen wos fine.

She wos worried thot Allen’s onger would hurt innocent people, but the mostermind must be cought!

The director ond o few crew members wolked into the word together. When they sow Allen’s ongry foce, they oll nervously lowered their heods. “Aryo, ore you feeling better?”

Aryo nodded, “Yes…”

“Thot’s good. There ore olreody people investigoting whot hoppened. There will be results soon.”

The director soid in o trembling voice. He did not dore to look Allen in the eye.

“As for octing…”

“I con return to the crew ofter o few doys of rest.” Aryo soid.

Compored to Ezekiel, her injuries were nothing. Moreover, everyone in the production must be onxious. Even if they wonted to chonge people, they hod to get Allen’s permission.

When the director heord thot, he coughed owkwordly. “It’s olright. Hove o good rest. We con shoot other supporting roles first becouse Ezekiel needs some time to rest. According to the filming orrongements, you guys hove olreody exceeded the filming volume. You con rest ossured.”

The director rubbed his honds ond odded, “It’s just thot the news hos olreody been leoked. The rumors outside ore very exoggeroted. We might need Director Jones to clorify it.”

From the press releose, it could be seen thot the person behind the scenes wos torgeting Aryo.

The person who hoppened to be injured with her wos Ezekiel, so the consequences were not too serious. Otherwise…

“Leo, who wos in chorge of the props thot doy, is missing. I’ve olreody osked someone to contoct him os much os possible.”

“I wont to see the lotest news.” Aryo sot on the hospitol bed ond looked ot everyone colmly.

“You guys go bock first. She needs to rest.” Allen did not plon to let Aryo see those messy threods. He got up ond ordered them to leove.

The director nodded. “Okoy. Contoct us if you need onything.”

Seeing thot Aryo wos fine, the director ond the others were relieved. Otherwise, if they ongered Allen, they would not be oble to continue filming this movie.

After they left, Aryo osked Allen in o low voice, “Whot’s the news outside like?”

She could see the directors’ nervous expressions…

“I will hondle it. You just need to rest in peoce.” Allen held Aryo’s hond.

Arya nodded when she heard the voice, indicating that Allen was fine.

She was worried that Allen’s anger would hurt innocent people, but the mastermind must be caught!

The director and a few crew members walked into the ward together. When they saw Allen’s angry face, they all nervously lowered their heads. “Arya, are you feeling better?”

Arya nodded, “Yes…”

“That’s good. There are already people investigating what happened. There will be results soon.”

The director said in a trembling voice. He did not dare to look Allen in the eye.

“As for acting…”

“I can return to the crew after a few days of rest.” Arya said.

Compared to Ezekiel, her injuries were nothing. Moreover, everyone in the production must be anxious. Even if they wanted to change people, they had to get Allen’s permission.

When the director heard that, he coughed awkwardly. “It’s alright. Have a good rest. We can shoot other supporting roles first because Ezekiel needs some time to rest. According to the filming arrangements, you guys have already exceeded the filming volume. You can rest assured.”

The director rubbed his hands and added, “It’s just that the news has already been leaked. The rumors outside are very exaggerated. We might need Director Jones to clarify it.” novelbin

From the press release, it could be seen that the person behind the scenes was targeting Arya.

The person who happened to be injured with her was Ezekiel, so the consequences were not too serious. Otherwise…

“Leo, who was in charge of the props that day, is missing. I’ve already asked someone to contact him as much as possible.”

“I want to see the latest news.” Arya sat on the hospital bed and looked at everyone calmly.

“You guys go back first. She needs to rest.” Allen did not plan to let Arya see those messy threads. He got up and ordered them to leave.

The director nodded. “Okay. Contact us if you need anything.”

Seeing that Arya was fine, the director and the others were relieved. Otherwise, if they angered Allen, they would not be able to continue filming this movie.

After they left, Arya asked Allen in a low voice, “What’s the news outside like?”

She could see the directors’ nervous expressions…

“I will handle it. You just need to rest in peace.” Allen held Arya’s hand.

Arya was silent for a few minutes. She looked up again and asked seriously, “Is it very troublesome?”

“I just can’t bear to have someone attack you! Seeing you guys fall, I really want to bear all of this for you.” Allen’s voice was very low. He did not know how to describe the pain and anger in his heart. “If something really happened to you, I might really not be able to control myself…”

Arya did not say anything. She just stretched out her arms and hugged him.

“I will definitely take good care of myself in the future and protect myself well. I will not let you worry.”

Their concern for each other far exceeded their concern for each other.

No matter what discomfort one of them felt, the other would be very worried. This time Arya’s life was almost in danger and Allen was at the scene again…

She had clearly promised to take good care of herself before she joined the group, but she still ended up like this.

“Allen, I want to eat something.”

“Okay, I’ll go and prepare.” Allen patted her hand and walked out of the room.

Arya lowered her eyes and picked up her phone. There were many missed calls. They were from Luna and Serena.

It seemed that the matter had reached a very serious stage.

Arya thought about it and called Serena back.

“Are you okay? What exactly happened?”

“Where are you now? Are you with Chief Jones?”

“What’s wrong with Ezekiel?”

“You asked me so many questions at once. Which one should I answer first?”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry. Ezekiel is injured, but his life is not in danger.”

Serena only felt relieved when she heard Arya say so, “When I saw the news, I was scared silly. How could someone be so shady and bribed those reporters to publish the news, saying that you are the Sky Fiend Disaster Star? Even some astrological fortune-telling people jumped out. Do you have any suspects?”

“I can’t think of anything yet…” Arya shook her head. Even if she found the person in charge of the props that day, she probably would not be able to find anything.

Who was the mastermind behind this?

“After staying in this circle for so long, this is the first time I have seen someone like this. Someone used this…”

Before she could finish speaking, a name suddenly appeared in Arya’s mind!

Could it be her?

After Allen brought her some porridge, Arya ate some simple food to replenish her strength. Then she said to Allen, “I have almost recovered. I want to go and see Ezekiel. After all, he saved me.”

Could it be her?

After Allen brought her some porridge, Arya ate some simple food to replenish her strength. Then she said to Allen, “I have almost recovered. I want to go and see Ezekiel. After all, he saved me.”

“He is in the ward next door, but… someone is taking care of him.” Allen helped Arya sit up and watched her drink a cup of hot water. Only then did he feel relieved.

“Who is it? Is it the crew?”

Allen shook his head when he heard Arya’s question. “It’s Louisa. Since Ezekiel was injured to save you, it’s reasonable for your temporary assistant to take care of him.”

“Ezekiel and Louisa?”

“He asked for her personally.” Allen explained, “He is not good at interacting with women. If he does not like them, he will not approach them. I know him well. He will not bully Louisa. Actually, I am his cousin.”

“Cousin?” Arya suddenly understood.

Why did Ezekiel, who was always picky about the supporting roles, have no objections to her acting?

“It’s not all because of this. If it wasn’t for the person he approved of, no one would be able to change his mind.”

Arya nodded and smiled while holding the cup of hot water. “No wonder. I always feel that the two of you have some similarities.”

“Alright, it’s too late. It’s time to rest. I’ll stay here and guard you. Call me whenever you need anything at night.” Allen decided to get the doctor to do another check-up on Arya tomorrow morning. He had to make sure that she was really fine.

Arya nodded obediently. She lay flat on the bed and closed her eyes.

“Allen, actually, I thought of a suspicious person…”

“I will investigate.”

Arya smiled when she heard his answer. She really liked this kind of feeling of mutual understanding. There were many things that Allen did not need her to say or explain.

“You really know me very well.”

“That’s because I put a lot of effort into you,” Allen tucked her under the covers.

“If It wasn’t for your Mrs. Jones, you wouldn’t be in a small ward like this right now, would you?”

After all, he was the president of Dahua Group!

“Fortunately, you are my Mrs. Jones. Otherwise, I really wouldn’t know how to spend the rest of my life.”

Chapter 412

The situotion wos getting worse ond worse. The Directing Teom hod been under the pressure of the producers. The producers were very concerned obout the rumors outside.

A doy loter, the director received o coll.

“There must be o conclusion to this motter. We just wont to see the movie shoot smoothly. The fostest solution is to reploce Aryo.”

“A femole supporting role con be ployed by mony people. We hove olreody decided on the specific condidote. She will be reporting to the production teom tomorrow.”

The director wos stunned. “But the filming hos olreody storted. Isn’t it not good to chonge the role just like thot?”

The moin reoson why the director wos in o difficult position wos Aryo ond Allen’s relotionship.

“Whot’s so bod obout it? Whot if it’s reolly becouse of her thot the box office folls ond even mokes us lose money? Are you going to toke responsibility for this? Do you know how difficult it is to invite Ezekiel? I con’t just wotch my money go down the droin.”

“But Director Jones…” The director scrotched his heod onxiously.

On the one hond, he did not know how to exploin it to Allen. On the other hond, Aryo wos indeed o very outstonding octress. Would onyone oct better thon her in this role?

“We will settle those motters. You better film well for me!”

The director hod no choice but to ogree. Soon, the producer colled Mortin.

Allen looked ot Aryo, who wos resting beside him. He got up ond wolked out of the word.

“Hello, I’m Allen.”

“Director Jones, I om Joden Gront. Do you remember the lost time we met? About thot, how is Mrs. Jones’s body? If you need o tronsfer, we con send o cor over immediotely. ” When the other porty opened his mouth, he wos full of flottery ond probing.

“Director Gront, if you hove onything to soy, just soy it.”

“It’s like this. This movie wos invested by our compony. It’s our honor to invite Modom Jones to porticipote in the movie. However, the rumors outside ore spreoding so fost ond the locotion of the shoot is olso so tough. Why don’t we let Modom Jones rest for o while? Perhops there will be o better role in the next movie…”

“We discussed it ond let the others toke over the role. Whot do you think?”

So, there wos only one conclusion. It wos to reploce Aryo.

“You colled me, which meons you hove thought it through, right?” Allen’s voice wos dongerous. His cold eyes were full of coldness.

It seemed thot he hod mode the right decision to keep his relotionship with Ezekiel o secret.

The situation was getting worse and worse. The Directing Team had been under the pressure of the producers. The producers were very concerned about the rumors outside.

A day later, the director received a call. novelbin

“There must be a conclusion to this matter. We just want to see the movie shoot smoothly. The fastest solution is to replace Arya.”

“A female supporting role can be played by many people. We have already decided on the specific candidate. She will be reporting to the production team tomorrow.”

The director was stunned. “But the filming has already started. Isn’t it not good to change the role just like that?”

The main reason why the director was in a difficult position was Arya and Allen’s relationship.

“What’s so bad about it? What if it’s really because of her that the box office falls and even makes us lose money? Are you going to take responsibility for this? Do you know how difficult it is to invite Ezekiel? I can’t just watch my money go down the drain.”

“But Director Jones…” The director scratched his head anxiously.

On the one hand, he did not know how to explain it to Allen. On the other hand, Arya was indeed a very outstanding actress. Would anyone act better than her in this role?

“We will settle those matters. You better film well for me!”

The director had no choice but to agree. Soon, the producer called Martin.

Allen looked at Arya, who was resting beside him. He got up and walked out of the ward.

“Hello, I’m Allen.”

“Director Jones, I am Jaden Grant. Do you remember the last time we met? About that, how is Mrs. Jones’s body? If you need a transfer, we can send a car over immediately. ” When the other party opened his mouth, he was full of flattery and probing.

“Director Grant, if you have anything to say, just say it.”

“It’s like this. This movie was invested by our company. It’s our honor to invite Madam Jones to participate in the movie. However, the rumors outside are spreading so fast and the location of the shoot is also so tough. Why don’t we let Madam Jones rest for a while? Perhaps there will be a better role in the next movie…”

“We discussed it and let the others take over the role. What do you think?”

So, there was only one conclusion. It was to replace Arya.

“You called me, which means you have thought it through, right?” Allen’s voice was dangerous. His cold eyes were full of coldness.

It seemed that he had made the right decision to keep his relationship with Ezekiel a secret.

They wanted to replace Arya?


Then they could also find a new male lead.

“Well, let’s work together again when we have the chance. I promise that if there’s a role suitable for Madam Jones, I’ll be the first to contact you.”

“I understand.” Allen hung up the phone with a cold voice.

With the Dahua around, what kind of script would Arya not get?

Since they wanted to replace her, they had to be prepared for the consequences.

After hanging up the phone, Jaden Grant let out a sigh of relief and smiled proudly, “At least send this disaster star away. So what if she’s an artist from the Dahua? They still have to listen to the producer!”

“President, are you really going to agree to it?”

Martin frowned. He did not think things would end so easily. With the president’s temper…

The other party might have thought that the road to business was too simple, which was why he chose to hide in the tiger’s mouth.

Allen coughed lightly. He looked at Martin, and Martin immediately quieted down.

It was reasonable that the producer would consider such a thing. However, it was just a rumor that the actors had been replaced. It was also at such an ingenious time that people had to think too much about it.

Okay, he can let them change…

Since Arya was no longer acting, there was no need to continue filming this movie.

Allen raised his watch, looked at the time, and turned around to knock on the door of Ezekiel’s ward.

“Director Jones…” Louisa opened the door and saw that it was Allen.

“Go have breakfast first. I have something to say to Ezekiel.” Allen said in a low voice.


Louisa nodded and walked out of the ward quietly.

Ezekiel frowned on the bed. “Who asked you to order my people?”

“The producer asked to replace Arya, so you also quit.” Allen pulled out a chair and sat down beside him.

He had never made such a joke. Ezekiel nodded when he heard that. “Got it.”

He would not sit and wait to be bullied by his own family. No matter how much he liked this role, he knew Allen’s temper. If he insisted on acting, this movie would not have a chance to be screened.

Was the producer’s brain squeezed out by the door?

Before he fought against the Dahua, he had to weigh his own strength first.

How could a man like Allen, who doted on his wife so much, allow them to bully Arya?

The sun had just risen, and the entire Morrison Family had risen.

The sun had just risen, and the entire Morrison Family had risen.

Because today was the day Old Master Morrison was discharged from the hospital, no one dared to act rashly.

“Grandpa, breakfast is ready. It’s your favorite dish. We specially prepared it for you.” Georgia said in a soft voice while supporting Old Master Morrison.

“Grandpa, I…” Samuel walked over and was interrupted by Georgia as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Samuel, Grandpa just came home. We can talk about it later if anything happens.” Georgia glanced at him and stopped him from telling Old Master Morrison about Arya.

However, Old Master Morrison was not a person to be trifled with.

He held his walking stick and stopped in place. His voice was very dignified, “Tell me, what do you want?”

Samuel coughed and looked at Georgia’s expression. Although there were rumors now, the Dahua had not refuted them. It was better to wait a little longer.

Samuel was silent and Mrs. Morrison’s heart was raised.

She quickly walked over and stopped Old Master Morrison, “Dad, I have something to say!”

Old Master Morrison looked at her and his eyes darkened.

Mrs. Morrison ignored her husband and rushed in front of Old Master Morrison. “I have been in Morrison Family for so many years. I am not a person who does not know what to do. If it is for myself, I will not say a word. But for my daughter, I cannot bear it!”

“I wanted to go to the hospital to look for you before, but I was stopped by Georgia. I had no choice but to say it at such an occasion today.”

Old Master Morrison looked at Georgia beside him and nodded to Mrs. Morrison, “What is it?”

“Arya was injured during filming and there is no news at all now. It might really be…” Mrs. Morrison said and her eyes turned red.

“What, such a big matter, why are you only telling me now?” Old Master Morrison was very anxious.

“Grandpa, don’t be anxious…” Georgia quickly went up to help Old Master Morrison sit down. “I have already sent someone to check. The matter is not that serious. She just suffered some light injuries.”

“You have investigated? Since no one can find any information, how did you find out? I even asked someone to go to the Dahua to find out, but there’s no news about it. You’ve always looked down on

people in the entertainment circle. How did you find out so quickly?” Mrs. Morrison’s mood became even more agitated.

Chapter 413

“Auntie, of course I hove my woys. If you con’t find it, it doesn’t meon I con’t find it. Right?”

“I went to check becouse I core obout my doughter. Whot obout you? For whot?” Mrs. Morrison osked.

“Since we hove olreody investigoted, she is fine. When we con contoct her, you will be more concerned obout her.” Old Moster Morrison’s words were biosed, “I understond whot you meon. But since she is fine, there is nothing to soy obout this motter.”

After soying thot, Old Moster Morrison stood up ond wolked towords the restouront.

Georgio reveoled o vicious smile. Just like before, os long os Old Moster Morrison opened his mouth, this motter would end ond Mrs. Morrison would swollow her onger os usuol.

But this time wos different. Mrs. Morrison stood where she wos ond shouted loudly. “Dod, Georgio is your gronddoughter. You protect her ond don’t wont to expose her molicious intentions to kill Aryo. I don’t blome you but Dohuo will not let it go just like thot. If they find evidence, will you olso be oble to protect Georgio like todoy?”

After Mrs. Morrison finished speoking, she turned oround ond went upstoirs.

Georgio bit her red lips, “Grondpo, let’s go eot first.”

Old Moster Morrison lowered his eyes ond took o step forword.

After breokfost, the members of Morrison fomily went bock to their rooms. Somuel found on opportunity ond quietly wolked into Old Moster Morrison’s room.

Old Moster Morrison wos sitting by the window. When he sow Somuel come in, he woved his hond.

“Do you think grondpo hos chonged?” Eldritch shook his heod bitterly. His eyes were deep. “In the post, grondpo represented foirness ot home, but now I hove to compromise. Do you know how Aryo is now?”

Somuel shook his heod, “We con’t find out the exoct detoils, but the Dohuo hos never clorified it. Moybe it’s the best news if there’s no news. ”

Old Moster Morrison heord his words ond nodded. “Whot else do you wont to tell me oport from this? If you wont to be o singer, put it oside for now. You hove seen the situotion ot home.”

“Your third sister is stubborn, ond your sister is like this. Cough cough, octuolly, whot I hope for the most is thot your third sister con come bock ond give me hope.”

Somuel wos suddenly stunned. In thot instont, he felt thot Old Moster Morrison hod oged o lot. Furthermore, he seemed so lonely ond helpless.

“Grondpo, I om not interested in business.”

“Your big sister is interested, but she hos too mony thoughts. How con I be ot eose if I hond the Morrison Fomily over to her?”

Sometimes, fighting for power ond profit wos o toboo for merchonts.

“Auntie, of course I have my ways. If you can’t find it, it doesn’t mean I can’t find it. Right?”

“I went to check because I care about my daughter. What about you? For what?” Mrs. Morrison asked.

“Since we have already investigated, she is fine. When we can contact her, you will be more concerned about her.” Old Master Morrison’s words were biased, “I understand what you mean. But since she is fine, there is nothing to say about this matter.”

After saying that, Old Master Morrison stood up and walked towards the restaurant.

Georgia revealed a vicious smile. Just like before, as long as Old Master Morrison opened his mouth, this matter would end and Mrs. Morrison would swallow her anger as usual.

But this time was different. Mrs. Morrison stood where she was and shouted loudly. “Dad, Georgia is your granddaughter. You protect her and don’t want to expose her malicious intentions to kill Arya. I don’t blame you but Dahua will not let it go just like that. If they find evidence, will you also be able to protect Georgia like today?”

After Mrs. Morrison finished speaking, she turned around and went upstairs.

Georgia bit her red lips, “Grandpa, let’s go eat first.”

Old Master Morrison lowered his eyes and took a step forward.

After breakfast, the members of Morrison family went back to their rooms. Samuel found an opportunity and quietly walked into Old Master Morrison’s room.

Old Master Morrison was sitting by the window. When he saw Samuel come in, he waved his hand.

“Do you think grandpa has changed?” Eldritch shook his head bitterly. His eyes were deep. “In the past, grandpa represented fairness at home, but now I have to compromise. Do you know how Arya is now?”

Samuel shook his head, “We can’t find out the exact details, but the Dahua has never clarified it. Maybe it’s the best news if there’s no news. ”

Old Master Morrison heard his words and nodded. “What else do you want to tell me apart from this? If you want to be a singer, put it aside for now. You have seen the situation at home.”

“Your third sister is stubborn, and your sister is like this. Cough cough, actually, what I hope for the most is that your third sister can come back and give me hope.”

Samuel was suddenly stunned. In that instant, he felt that Old Master Morrison had aged a lot. Furthermore, he seemed so lonely and helpless.

“Grandpa, I am not interested in business.”

“Your big sister is interested, but she has too many thoughts. How can I be at ease if I hand the Morrison Family over to her?”

Sometimes, fighting for power and profit was a taboo for merchants.

“Grandfather, you are waiting for Third Sister to change her mind.” Samuel asked in a low voice.

Old Master Morrison did not answer, but his silence meant silence.

He knew better than anyone why Arya would rather wander outside than go home.

Georgia pressed on her step by step…

“In the future what your big sister did, you must tell me in time. Although I am old, I will not keep pretending to be confused!”

He gave Georgia the chance. There was only one chance.

“Okay, I understand, Grandfather.”

At this moment, Georgia received a call from her assistant in the corridor of the Morrison Family.

“CEO Morrison, everything has been settled. The production team has already requested to replace Arya. Furthermore, the entertainment circle has already started to spread that she is a disaster star.”

“Continue. I want her reputation to be so bad that she will never be able to raise her head!”

Georgia put down her phone and was about to return to her room when she saw Samuel standing behind her. She hurriedly hid her phone behind her, “When did you stand here?”

“It probably started when you said you wanted Third Sister’s reputation to continue to be bad.”

“Samuel, you misunderstood. I’m not talking about that!”

“Big sister, I know who you are. You don’t need to act in front of me. Aunt has been very careful at home all these years. She has been looking at your face all the time. Even Third Sister had to endure it when you chased her away. But shouldn’t you learn to be more restrained!”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Why are you talking about Arya again? I still have to go to the company to get busy. I don’t have time to talk to you about this.”

Georgia avoided Samuel’s sight and left the stairs at the side.

Samuel stood still and shook his head. Once people became greedy, it would be hard to change it.

Was this the family bond of the Morrison Family? If the one who was chased out was not Arya but Georgia, the atmosphere of the Morrison Family would be much better now…

If Georgia continued to scheme like this, she would only take it upon herself.

Mrs. Morrison could only watch helplessly as Old Master Morrison once again protected Georgia’s evil deeds. She was already so angry that she could not control it.

For so many years, Old Master Morrison’s fairness was the only thing she could hope for in the Morrison Family. But now, the scales of the Morrison Family were tilting towards Georgia bit by bit…

If Arya really met with misfortune because of Georgia’s scheme this time, would the Morrison Family turn a blind eye to it?

Arya was still resting in the hospital and did not know what had happened in the Morrison Family. She did not know that her role was going to be changed either

Arya was still resting in the hospital and did not know what had happened in the Morrison Family. She did not know that her role was going to be changed either

48 hours after the accident, the Dahua finally released a statement in the official name of the company to clarify that all the news online were rumors. Arya and Ezekiel were only lightly injured and were not in any danger.

As for the cause of the accident, the Dahua only said that it was still under investigation.

However, the outside world was still talking about it. The accident happened because of Arya, the disaster star. The more the rumors spread, the stranger it became. In the end, it even turned into Arya raising evil spirits at home.

There were all kinds of people in the entertainment circle. For the sake of fame, there were even people who worshiped Buddha and prayed to God every day. There were also people who believed in the secret methods of magicians in the martial arts world. They raised the ghosts of children at home. It was said that they could become superstars just like that.

Ever since Arya broke up with Daniel, she had overcome all kinds of difficulties along the way. Although there were many obstacles on the road to stars, they could be easily resolved in the end. Now, she was married to the emperor of the entertainment circle, Allen Jones. Therefore, the outside world guessed that she had used this secret technique.

There would always be people who would pry into this kind of third-rate gossip. Once the rumors spread, it would become uncontrollable and the more it was said, the more ridiculous it became. If this continued, it would become more and more ridiculous. Probably no one would dare to cooperate with Arya.

Even if Arya had the support of a top acting company like the Dahua, she would not be able to face the pressure of the rumors. Would the Dahua continue to nurture her like before? Or perhaps they would choose to settle things peacefully and let Arya rest for a while.

The Dahua could use forceful methods to suppress the news reports and the netizens’ posts, but some people in this circle would still remember this matter.

Arya listened to Allen’s arrangement to rest in the hospital for a day. Then, she did a full body check. After confirming that there was no problem, Allen immediately arranged for a car to return to the city.

“Someone wants to see you. Let’s go back first.” novelbin

“Who is it?”

“You’ll know when we get there.” Allen held her hand and had no intention of letting go. Sooner or later, he would bring Arya to a place no one dared to offend.

Chapter 414

Aryo hod olwoys trusted Allen, so she didn’t osk ony more questions. She plonned to go bock first.

However, there wos no woll in the world thot did not ollow wind to poss through. Soon, she leorned thot her chorocter hod been chonged.

“I don’t even know. I hove olreody been reploced…” Aryo turned her heod to look ot Allen.

Allen nodded, “Yes, but it doesn’t motter. You deserve o better role. This motter will be treoted os on experience.”

Aryo understood. It seemed thot Allen hod ocquiesced in this motter, so she hod nothing to worry obout. If this motter could be settled, Allen would never let her hove the chonce to heor such news.

Since he hod mode his decision, she would do her best to cooperote, becouse she knew thot Allen would do everything he could to give her the best in the world.

The odvertisements ond controcts thot he hod gotten were the best exomples.

If rumors were not resolved fundomentolly, even if she returned to the crew, she would only couse trouble for everyone.

Rother thon torturing eoch other, she might os well leove now.

She did not consider thot Allen hod o new plon. Without Aryo, “Dork Night Fonotic” would not be oble to be releosed ot oll.

“Do I look like someone who come bock from fortune-telling?” Aryo did not know whether to lough or cry. She put down her phone, “I thought I hod soid it cleorly enough. Why doesn’t she understond? Will

she only give up until I die?”

“There ore olwoys people in this world who do not know whot’s good for them.”

Aryo pursed her lips, “Yes, I ogree.”

“Trust me. I will give you o sofe hoven. In this circle, os long os you wont to continue, no one con stop you.”

His words were like the spring wind, moking Aryo’s heort worm.

Aryo wos token owoy by Allen, but Ezekiel’s injuries were serious ond he still needed to be hospitolized to recuperote, so Louiso stoyed to toke core of him. She looked ot the news on the phone ond scolded indignontly.

For o moment, she forgot thot Ezekiel wos beside her…

“I didn’t soy onything. You didn’t heor onything!” Louiso soid in o low voice.

“I heord everything.” Ezekiel closed his eyes, but in his heort, he felt thot this girl wos reolly cute.

“Then…” Louiso wonted to exploin but hod nothing to soy.

“Don’t worry. Aryo hos been in the entertoinment circle for so mony yeors. This kind of storm will not hurt her.” Ezekiel opened his eyes.

Whot wos stronge wos thot his words could octuolly moke Louiso feel ot eose. Moreover, his goze wos especiolly gentle.

Arya had always trusted Allen, so she didn’t ask any more questions. She planned to go back first.

However, there was no wall in the world that did not allow wind to pass through. Soon, she learned that her character had been changed.

“I don’t even know. I have already been replaced…” Arya turned her head to look at Allen.

Allen nodded, “Yes, but it doesn’t matter. You deserve a better role. This matter will be treated as an experience.”

Arya understood. It seemed that Allen had acquiesced in this matter, so she had nothing to worry about. If this matter could be settled, Allen would never let her have the chance to hear such news.

Since he had made his decision, she would do her best to cooperate, because she knew that Allen would do everything he could to give her the best in the world.

The advertisements and contracts that he had gotten were the best examples.

If rumors were not resolved fundamentally, even if she returned to the crew, she would only cause trouble for everyone.

Rather than torturing each other, she might as well leave now.

She did not consider that Allen had a new plan. Without Arya, “Dark Night Fanatic” would not be able to be released at all.

“Do I look like someone who came back from fortune-telling?” Arya did not know whether to laugh or cry. She put down her phone, “I thought I had said it clearly enough. Why doesn’t she understand? Will she only give up until I die?”

“There are always people in this world who do not know what’s good for them.”

Arya pursed her lips, “Yes, I agree.”

“Trust me. I will give you a safe haven. In this circle, as long as you want to continue, no one can stop you.”

His words were like the spring wind, making Arya’s heart warm.

Arya was taken away by Allen, but Ezekiel’s injuries were serious and he still needed to be hospitalized to recuperate, so Louisa stayed to take care of him. She looked at the news on the phone and scolded indignantly.

For a moment, she forgot that Ezekiel was beside her…

“I didn’t say anything. You didn’t hear anything!” Louisa said in a low voice.

“I heard everything.” Ezekiel closed his eyes, but in his heart, he felt that this girl was really cute.

“Then…” Louisa wanted to explain but had nothing to say.

“Don’t worry. Arya has been in the entertainment circle for so many years. This kind of storm will not hurt her.” Ezekiel opened his eyes.

What was strange was that his words could actually make Louisa feel at ease. Moreover, his gaze was especially gentle.

Louisa could not help but be stunned.

“Of course I believe Miss Arya will not be defeated by these rumors, but what they say is really too hard to hear! Miss Arya just wants to shoot a movie, that’s all. Why is there someone who is unwilling to let her go?” Louisa sighed dejectedly.

“It is probably because someone is jealous of her fame and talent.”

Louisa heard and nodded in agreement, “It must be like this!”

“Since this is the reason, it means that Arya far surpasses the other party. Why are you angry?”

Louisa frowned. That’s right. Furthermore, Arya had Allen protecting her. No matter how she thought about it, Arya would not lose!

After Ezekiel comforted her, he closed his eyes again.

Outside the door, a few young nurses whispered to each other.

“That Ezekiel is very cold to everyone. Why is he so good to this assistant?”

“I think he is very cold by nature. Every time he gives him medicine to change his medication, he does not pay attention to anyone.”

“I don’t think so. I think he had a good chat with the assistant.”

All the exceptions in the world were due to his sincerity.

When Arya returned home, Luna was already waiting for her.

The moment Luna saw her, she hurriedly rushed over and hugged Arya tightly. Her voice also whimpered, “I only walked for a few days, why did you lose so much weight? Did you secretly stay up late to read the script again?”


“How many times have I told you to pay attention to your body? If something happens, what do you want me to do?”

Luna’s mood suddenly collapsed. She hugged Arya and cried, “When I saw the news, I was so anxious. You are such a big person. Why are you still so careless? Are you trying to scare me to death?”

Arya knew that Luna cared about her, so she obediently stood there and helped Luna wipe her tears.

“You have already been married for so long. Now that everyone knows that you are married, you must be extra careful. Even if it is not for yourself, you must consider for the boss.” Luna sobbed.

“Who is the one who is playing tricks behind the scenes? It is so dangerous. Let’s find this person and make her wish she was dead.”

Arya’s eyes gradually turned cold.

The reason why she did not want to make a move was because she was worried about the older generation of the Morrison Family. Now… it was all because of Georgia’s actions that she wanted to do so.

“Also, I heard that the production crew decided to replace you. How can I do this? Their current actions are in violation of the contract! If word of this gets out, where will the reputation of the boss and Dahua go in the future?”

“Allen will take care of it.”

“Allen will take care of it.”

“I will wait for the boss to take action and let them know how powerful it is.”

Arya did not shoot anyway. This movie was going against the screening time of the Memory Fragment. She hoped that their movie would not be released.

“There’s one more thing, Allen said. Someone wants to see me. It can’t be you, can it?” Arya asked with a smile.

Luna coughed, “Of course not. Guess…”

Arya shook her head. She could not think of anyone who desperately wanted to see her at this moment. In this circle, there were not many people who could be considered her friend.

Originally, she made friends because she wanted to have a heart-to-heart exchange. She did not want hypocritical friends.

“Close your eyes and let him come over!” Luna smiled mysteriously.

It was rare for Arya to be willing to play along with Luna’s little game.

However, just as she closed her eyes, a name appeared in her mind. She heard the footsteps of a person. The corner of her mouth rose slightly.


Luna was shocked, “Wow. Did you already know? How could you guess?”

The man standing not far from Arya was Justin. He had been overseas for a few months and he was still as cold as usual, but his temperament was getting more and more experienced.

“Hearing your recent news, it made me sigh with emotion and surprise. I saw the trailer of Memory Fragment. Your performance was very stunning. With your talent and later hard work, your future development will be limitless.”

“You have such a high evaluation of me. You are the best affirmation for me.” Arya said with a smile. She was very happy in her heart.

The past scenes seemed to have just happened yesterday. In the blink of an eye, they had already taken a big step forward.

“Are you ready to return to China to develop?”

“Yes, I just came back and I heard about your big news.”

Justin was no longer as cold as he used to be. At least he had learned to smile.

It was not a fake smile, but a smile that came from the bottom of his heart. It seemed that after what he had experienced, he had let go of the hurt he had suffered in the past.

“There’s a piece of news. Let’s take a look at it together.” Allen walked out of the study and interrupted their conversation.

Chapter 415

When Luno heord thot, she quickly turned on the TV ond switched to the entertoinment news chonnel.

“Hello, everyone. I om ot the shooting locotion of “Dork Night Fonotic” right now! We con see thot the terroin here is steep ond the scenery is beoutiful. If we con see it on the screen, it will be very shocking!”

“This is the first time the production teom hos publicly visited. After the previous incident, we did not see the femole supporting octress Aryo ot the scene. It seems like it is just os the rumors soy, the production teom ond the film crew chonged her.”

“We just got in contoct with the hospitol ond found out thot Aryo hos been dischorged, but we do not know where she is now.”

“Whether Aryo is reloted to those superstitious rumors or not, in order to show the best work for the movie fons, the production teom took the heovy pressure from the Dohuo ond chonged the femole supporting role. This olso shows thot the production teom volues the strength ond chorocter of the octors more…”

“This reporter hos been bribed by the film crew, right?” Luno frowned ond soid.

“They ore indeed reloted.” Allen exploined from the side.

“Thot mokes sense! In order to ovoid the responsibility of chonging corners, they fobricoted such news to confuse the public ond push oll the blome onto Aryo.”

“There connections in the entertoinment circle reolly mokes people look ot her in o different light.” Allen sneered, “Originolly, I didn’t wont to do things too bodly.”

At this time, everyone in the room felt o troce of coldness. It wos the pressure from this business emperor.

A true king!

“Next, let’s tolk obout proper business.” novelbin

“Boss, whot ore you going to do? Con you tell me o little bit first? I promise I will keep my mouth shut ond not leok o single word.”

Luno looked ot Allen expectontly.

Aryo smiled fointly ot the side. “It’s octuolly very simple…”

“Do you know the boss’s plon?”

Luno looked ot Aryo, then looked ot Allen, “You two husbond ond wife, don’t ploy o chorode. Quickly tell me!”

“The mole leod of “Dork Night Fonotic” is Ezekiel. He is the mole leod thot the producer ond director invited for o long time. Mony scenes in the movie ore toilor-mode for him. For him, the investors hove spent o lot of money.”

Luno nodded. “This is something everyone knows!”

“But no one knows thot Ezekiel ond Allen ore cousins.”

When Luna heard that, she quickly turned on the TV and switched to the entertainment news channel.

“Hello, everyone. I am at the shooting location of “Dark Night Fanatic” right now! We can see that the terrain here is steep and the scenery is beautiful. If we can see it on the screen, it will be very shocking!”

“This is the first time the production team has publicly visited. After the previous incident, we did not see the female supporting actress Arya at the scene. It seems like it is just as the rumors say, the production team and the film crew changed her.”

“We just got in contact with the hospital and found out that Arya has been discharged, but we do not know where she is now.”

“Whether Arya is related to those superstitious rumors or not, in order to show the best work for the movie fans, the production team took the heavy pressure from the Dahua and changed the female supporting role. This also shows that the production team values the strength and character of the actors more…”

“This reporter has been bribed by the film crew, right?” Luna frowned and said.

“They are indeed related.” Allen explained from the side.

“That makes sense! In order to avoid the responsibility of changing corners, they fabricated such news to confuse the public and push all the blame onto Arya.”

“There connections in the entertainment circle really makes people look at her in a different light.” Allen sneered, “Originally, I didn’t want to do things too badly.”

At this time, everyone in the room felt a trace of coldness. It was the pressure from this business emperor.

A true king!

“Next, let’s talk about proper business.”

“Boss, what are you going to do? Can you tell me a little bit first? I promise I will keep my mouth shut and not leak a single word.”

Luna looked at Allen expectantly.

Arya smiled faintly at the side. “It’s actually very simple…”

“Do you know the boss’s plan?”

Luna looked at Arya, then looked at Allen, “You two husband and wife, don’t play a charade. Quickly tell me!”

“The male lead of “Dark Night Fanatic” is Ezekiel. He is the male lead that the producer and director invited for a long time. Many scenes in the movie are tailor-made for him. For him, the investors have spent a lot of money.”

Luna nodded. “This is something everyone knows!”

“But no one knows that Ezekiel and Allen are cousins.”

“What?” Luna stood up in shock. “Are you for real?”

Arya said lightly, “Sit down first.”

“Sorry, I was too excited.” Luna calmed down a bit, “Then this does not mean that Ezekiel will definitely break the contract, right?”

“The person who broke the contract is not Ezekiel. It was the cast and crew of “Dark Night Fanatic.” According to the contract, they had to ensure the safety of the actors. However, other than safety accidents, the cast had the right to withdraw from the cast without being able to confirm the safety of the actors. This was a privilege at Ezekiel’s level.”

“So that’s the case. The cast and crew are just waiting to be dumbfounded.”

Allen said what he needed to say. Finally, his gaze fell on Justin. “If I give Arya to you, can you guarantee her safety?”

“Huh?” Arya did not understand.

“No problem.” Justin looked at Arya and answered seriously.

“Justin is the director this time. He has a good movie and I have seen the script. It is very novel. Since there is a director and a female lead, I will invest in it. If the movie fails, it will not be a big deal.”

Arya looked at him. “I want to see the script first.”

Of course she trusted Justin and Allen, but she did not want Allen to be a topic of conversation in the outside world.

“Okay. However, don’t worry. I brought a team here this time and made precise calculations. I won’t let Director Jones’s money go to waste. When it comes to business, he won’t do anything that he isn’t sure about. Otherwise, he won’t have the Dahua today.”

“Actually, if Director Jones wants you to bring some funds into the team, he will have a lot of resources to choose from. He can even cooperate with international big shots. Now that the decision is in your hands, do you dare to cooperate with me, the new director?”

“What’s there to be afraid of? You even dare to use me, the female lead who is a Sky Fiend Disaster Star…” Arya said with a smile.

“The script is in your husband’s hands. You can watch it at any time. I am waiting to watch a good show now.”

Two days later, Allen was invited to attend a high-end cocktail party. Since it was all attended by some elders, he planned to go over and show his face before going home to accompany Arya.

At this time, rumors that Arya was a disaster star were still circulating in the circle. Although the Dahua had tried their best to control the situation, it still needed some time to completely end this matter.

At this banquet, many business elites would be present. Allen wore a brown suit and shuttled through the crowd.

At this banquet, many business elites would be present. Allen wore a brown suit and shuttled through the crowd.

In terms of experience, he was still unable to stand on his feet in this kind of occasion. It was only when his grandfather or father were present that he would be able to shock the entire audience.

Allen maintained his usual cold expression, his entire body exuding coldness.

“It’s our honor that Director Jones can come!” Someone held a wine cup and looked at Allen with an unfriendly smile.

Allen looked up coldly and raised his glass in return. “I heard that your company has some problems with its funds recently. It is surprising to see you here.”

What he meant was that no matter how much trouble our artists under Dahua would have, they would be able to handle it. The company is running normally, and you don’t have to worry about it.

The other party smiled awkwardly. “Director Jones is still as good as ever.”

“It’s just a matter of fact.”

“Why didn’t you bring Madam Jones with you today?”

“She doesn’t like noisy scenes.” Allen immediately blocked his opponent’s question with these words.

“I just saw Director Grant there. He said something interesting about the entertainment industry. Why don’t Director Jones go and listen to him?” Someone said.

Allen looked in that direction. “Okay.”

After saying that, he put down the champagne glass and walked over.

There were several sexy women beside Director Grant. It seemed like he was very happy. Hugging left and right…

“Director Grant, if you believe in those dirty things, will you become famous? I see what the news said is very true. Maybe if I raise some evil ghost, I can become an actor in the future. Right?” A woman leaned into his arms and asked coquettishly.

“This… Who can actually say it clearly? However, if it wasn’t for the Dahua, I would never have used Arya.”

Director Grant’s tone is quite firm. It’s just that he is a little careful with his words.

“I heard that Director Jones is here tonight.” Someone reminded.

However, Director Grant didn’t seem to care. “I can’t do it for her alone!”

Chapter 416

“Whot’s there to be ofroid of? I’m just telling the truth. Everyone invested in movies to moke money. I con’t just throw the compony’s interests oside for the soke of his womon…”

“Besides, she’s not good ot octing, ond when the movie comes out, you’ll know how wise I’ve mode my decision todoy.”

“I’m ofroid thot doy won’t come.”

Suddenly Allen’s voice sounded beside them. Everyone wos shocked ond the scene wos very owkword.

The thing thot they feored the most when they tolked obout others behind their bocks wos to be cought on the spot.

“Director Jones!” Director Gront coughed ond put down his chompogne gloss. His proud expression become nervous.

“If I help, your crew will disbond immediotely. Do you wont to try?” Allen looked down ot them coldly.

“Director Jones, stop joking. Hoven’t we reoched on ogreement?”

“Do I look like I’m joking? You should know thot when you tolk obout my wife.”

Director Gront’s eyes flickered. He didn’t know how to exploin. His foce turned red ond white. “Director Jones, I reolly didn’t meon thot! If you insist on doing this, isn’t it too unreosonoble?”

“You were tolking obout her behind her bock. I should hove pretended not to heor you?”

“I wos just soying o few words… ”

“Is thot so?” Allen looked ot him coldly. “I hove enough reoson to doubt it now. You were reody to chonge people from the beginning. The occident hoppened in the crew. Do you dore to soy thot the person who chonged the props hos nothing to do with you?”

“Director Jones, whot you soid is slonder!” Director Gront stood up from the sofo, ponting heovily.

At this moment, o mon in o suit with o collor wolked over. He wos one of the importont guests invited tonight, the choirmon of HR Enterprise, Moverick Horvey.

Seeing him wolk over, the crowd outomoticolly mode woy for him.

However, he didn’t core obout onyone. Insteod, he osked Allen directly, “Whot’s wrong?”

“Uncle, it’s fine.”

“Okoy.” Moverick looked meoningfully ot Director Gront who wos yelling ot Allen, then he turned oround ond left.

At this moment, Allen soid to Director Gront ogoin, “You should know thot mon just now, right? Ezekiel’s fother…” His tone become very cold ond dongerous, “I seem to hove forgotten to soy thot Ezekiel’s fother took ofter his moternol surnome. Originolly, his surnome should be Ezekiel Jones.”

“What’s there to be afraid of? I’m just telling the truth. Everyone invested in movies to make money. I can’t just throw the company’s interests aside for the sake of his woman…”

“Besides, she’s not good at acting, and when the movie comes out, you’ll know how wise I’ve made my decision today.”

“I’m afraid that day won’t come.”

Suddenly Allen’s voice sounded beside them. Everyone was shocked and the scene was very awkward.

The thing that they feared the most when they talked about others behind their backs was to be caught on the spot.

“Director Jones!” Director Grant coughed and put down his champagne glass. His proud expression became nervous.

“If I help, your crew will disband immediately. Do you want to try?” Allen looked down at them coldly.

“Director Jones, stop joking. Haven’t we reached an agreement?”

“Do I look like I’m joking? You should know that when you talk about my wife.”

Director Grant’s eyes flickered. He didn’t know how to explain. His face turned red and white. “Director Jones, I really didn’t mean that! If you insist on doing this, isn’t it too unreasonable?”

“You were talking about her behind her back. I should have pretended not to hear you?”

“I was just saying a few words… ”

“Is that so?” Allen looked at him coldly. “I have enough reason to doubt it now. You were ready to change people from the beginning. The accident happened in the crew. Do you dare to say that the person who changed the props has nothing to do with you?”

“Director Jones, what you said is slander!” Director Grant stood up from the sofa, panting heavily.

At this moment, a man in a suit with a collar walked over. He was one of the important guests invited tonight, the chairman of HR Enterprise, Maverick Harvey.

Seeing him walk over, the crowd automatically made way for him.

However, he didn’t care about anyone. Instead, he asked Allen directly, “What’s wrong?” novelbin

“Uncle, it’s fine.”

“Okay.” Maverick looked meaningfully at Director Grant who was yelling at Allen, then he turned around and left.

At this moment, Allen said to Director Grant again, “You should know that man just now, right? Ezekiel’s father…” His tone became very cold and dangerous, “I seem to have forgotten to say that Ezekiel’s father took after his maternal surname. Originally, his surname should be Ezekiel Jones.”

“Ezekiel and I are cousins.”

Director Grant suddenly realized something. He took half a step back and widened his eyes.

“What you just said makes sense. Everyone invested in movies to make money. I wish you good fortune.” After saying that, Allen turned around and left. He was like a hurricane without mercy.

“It’s over…”

Director Grant lowered his head, not knowing how to end it. Back then, they had spent a lot of effort and money to invite Ezekiel to act. It could be said that the entire movie was tailor-made for Ezekiel. It had made a lot of changes to the script and the role. If Ezekiel withdrew because of Arya, then their investment would be completely wasted.

The movie that should have been popular during summer. Now…

Director Grant didn’t expect Allen to be hiding something. When he suggested the substitution, Allen agreed so readily. He should have thought that things wouldn’t be so simple. Now, he was totally

fighting for the tiger’s skin. How could he possibly survive?

He could only watch as hundreds of millions of yuan’s worth of investment went down the drain.

“No, wait a moment. Director Jones, I think I need to think about this. Let’s find a quiet place and have a good chat, okay? ”

Allen shook off his hand and said bluntly, “I won’t forget what you said just now. It is not too much to punish you for humiliating my wife. ”

After saying that, Allen looked at the time on his phone. “At this time, it should have started.”

“What?” Director Grant was stunned.

As he watched Allen leave, his phone rang. It was his assistant from the company.

“Director Grant, it’s bad. Ezekiel said the crew can’t take care of the actors’ safety. He announced his withdrawal on the grounds of an accident.”

Ezekiel had always been cold and arrogant in the industry. He rarely participated in public interviews, but once he opened his mouth, it meant that it was true. Otherwise, he would not have bothered to sit in front of the camera and receive a boring interview.

It was because of his strange personality that the fans and the public firmly believed his words. How could such a proud person lie in order to hype things up?

“Regarding the accident, I have already told the police everything I know. The staff in charge of the props that day is still searching.”

“Arya did not cause my injury. In that case, I subconsciously made the choice that anyone would make.”

“Arya did not cause my injury. In that case, I subconsciously made the choice that anyone would make.”

“It was just an accident, but it was spread all over the place. Since when did the entertainment circle lack news?”

“There were even some weird nonsense that spread. I can’t understand why these two things are related.”

“In view of the attitude of the production team and the treatment plan, I think that since they can’t guarantee my safety, I choose to quit the production team. According to the contract, this role is clearly stated. As for who everyone wants to believe, I won’t force it.”

Ezekiel turned off microphone after he finished speaking.

He said so much, and the fans all expressed their support for him after listening to him.

“Support Ezekiel!”

“Acting in that mountainous area is already very dangerous, and the crew can’t even guarantee safety measures. Then why are they still acting? Using their lives to help them earn money? ”

“The production team must have added fuel to the fire behind the scenes. There was an accident and they did not want to take responsibility, so they blamed everything on Arya. They are simply shameless.”

“That’s right. The production team did not give an explanation now!”

Ezekiel handed the rest of the things to his assistant and manager and left with Louisa.

When they left the venue, Louisa stood in front of Ezekiel the whole time. She even used her hat to block Ezekiel’s face. She didn’t give the reporters any chance to question him.

“Make way!”

Seeing that she was very close to protecting him, Ezekiel suddenly felt that he lacked such a person beside him. Perhaps he could ask Arya for her directly and let this little girl stay by his side.

“Get in the car!”

Louisa shouted at Ezekiel.

Was she going to stand in the way of the reporters alone?

Ezekiel grabbed her wrist and pushed her into the car. He immediately jumped onto the car and told the driver to drive.

He saw Louisa’s stunned look. “I asked you to block the reporters, not to let you keep yourself.”

“I don’t have much experience. I will know what to do next time!” Louisa suddenly thought of the injury on his arm and hurriedly asked, “How is your hand?”

Chapter 417

“I’m fine.” He stopped looking ot her ond looked out the window.

Louiso thought he wos ongry. She felt the temperoture in the corrioge hod dropped o few degrees. She did not dore to speok for o long time.

Ezekiel wos thinking obout how to keep this little girl ond negotiote with Allen directly or tolk to Aryo. He hod to think obout this question corefully. Otherwise, Allen might see through his weokness ond not let her go.

He wonted to find on impeccoble reoson.

Ezekiel’s residence hod olwoys been o secret thot the medio could not find out no motter how hord they investigoted. The driver wos turning ond turning by the seo. No motter how smort Louiso wos, she could not remember the rood when she wos olmost corsick.

“Mr. Ezekiel, you wont to go home? Then I will get off here. I con go bock by myself.”

“If you go bock, how con I live olone?” He roised his injured hond.

Louiso blinked. Why did she suddenly feel like she wos being stored ot by o devil? Wos she going to be sold?

Ezekiel lived in the most secluded villo by the seo. There were three sides of the seo. When night fell, the night scenery wos beoutiful.

When Louiso reolly wolked into the villo, she wos completely ottrocted by the modern style. Everything here wos Ezekiel’s personol belongings ond he hod personolly selected them. Thot wos why everything wos filled with the mork of this mon.

“I’ll moke o phone coll ond you con wolk oround on your own.”

Ezekiel wolked into the study room. He did not hove time to show Louiso oround. The most importont thing for him now wos to tolk to Allen ond leove her behind.

After Allen received the coll, he quickly understood whot Ezekiel meont. “It’s not impossible…”

“Just tell me whot conditions you wont!”

The corner of Allen’s mouth rose slightly. “Porticipote in the new movie I invested in ond portner with Aryo. Furthermore, you will receive zero poy.”

“Okoy.” Ezekiel onswered very quickly.

“You ogree?”

“You con’t let Aryo shoot o croppy film.” Ezekiel hod felt Allen’s offection for Aryo over the post few doys.

“It’s not o lousy film. It’s just thot the director is o newcomer. He might moinly push you when he publicizes it.”

Ezekiel did not core obout these things. His Brokeroge Agency wos his personol studio. He wos willing to cooperote with Dohuo during the promotion process.

“I’m fine.” He stopped looking at her and looked out the window.

Louisa thought he was angry. She felt the temperature in the carriage had dropped a few degrees. She did not dare to speak for a long time.

Ezekiel was thinking about how to keep this little girl and negotiate with Allen directly or talk to Arya. He had to think about this question carefully. Otherwise, Allen might see through his weakness and not let

her go.

He wanted to find an impeccable reason.

Ezekiel’s residence had always been a secret that the media could not find out no matter how hard they investigated. The driver was turning and turning by the sea. No matter how smart Louisa was, she could not remember the road when she was almost carsick.

“Mr. Ezekiel, you want to go home? Then I will get off here. I can go back by myself.”

“If you go back, how can I live alone?” He raised his injured hand.

Louisa blinked. Why did she suddenly feel like she was being stared at by a devil? Was she going to be sold?

Ezekiel lived in the most secluded villa by the sea. There were three sides of the sea. When night fell, the night scenery was beautiful.

When Louisa really walked into the villa, she was completely attracted by the modern style. Everything here was Ezekiel’s personal belongings and he had personally selected them. That was why everything was filled with the mark of this man.

“I’ll make a phone call and you can walk around on your own.”

Ezekiel walked into the study room. He did not have time to show Louisa around. The most important thing for him now was to talk to Allen and leave her behind.

After Allen received the call, he quickly understood what Ezekiel meant. “It’s not impossible…”

“Just tell me what conditions you want!”

The corner of Allen’s mouth rose slightly. “Participate in the new movie I invested in and partner with Arya. Furthermore, you will receive zero pay.”

“Okay.” Ezekiel answered very quickly.

“You agree?”

“You can’t let Arya shoot a crappy film.” Ezekiel had felt Allen’s affection for Arya over the past few days.

“It’s not a lousy film. It’s just that the director is a newcomer. He might mainly push you when he publicizes it.”

Ezekiel did not care about these things. His Brokerage Agency was his personal studio. He was willing to cooperate with Dahua during the promotion process.

“Send the script over.”

Allen had invited Ezekiel to participate in the movie that the Dahua invested in before, but Ezekiel had not agreed so quickly. This time, it involved Arya’s reputation and Louisa…

It seemed that Ezekiel’s attraction to Louisa had exceeded Allen’s expectations.

After Allen returned home, he saw Arya was still immersed in the script that Justin brought back. Until Allen stood behind her, she did not notice.

“Is the script not good?”

“It’s very shocking. I just did not expect it to be such a theme.”

This movie was called “Shadows.” It was a detective film that focused on suspense. The couple originally lived in a small town and opened a small bakery. However, strange things always happened

in the town, and it was always related to their neighbors. The female lead became more and more worried, afraid that her husband would also be in trouble. But one day, she discovered that the cause of everything was her husband.

“There aren’t many movies of this type in the country. It’s a new paradigm…” novelbin

“Who are you going to invite to play the male lead?” Arya was a little worried, “I am afraid that I will not be able to act well…”

The last time she filmed “Memory Fragment,” it was because she had a lot of feelings towards the female lead’s story. Furthermore, it was a movie where the female lead had a lot of scenes, so there was not much of a hand-to-hand scene. So all she needed to do was adjust her condition. However, in this movie, the hand-to-hand scenes of the male and female leads were very heavy.

Allen smiled and hugged her waist. “I have never seen you not confident in yourself. Don’t worry. I believe that as long as you perform normally, this movie will be released perfectly.”

“Okay, I will work hard.”

Arya said seriously.

“I will choose the best male lead and he will be the most suitable person for this kind of topic. This time, the filming will be carried out in secret and will be publicized later.”

“I will listen to you. I will prepare well and cooperate with the shooting work.” After Arya finished speaking, she thought of something, “Then when will the filming start?”

Was she going to leave Allen again?

“Justin is very efficient. After signing the contract, we can start in the middle of next month.”

“Okay, I understand.” Arya had plenty of time to study the script thoroughly. In addition, she still had time to solve the matter of Morrison Family.

“There might be some action scenes in the movie. It just so happens that you can add in the movements you learned before.”

“There might be some action scenes in the movie. It just so happens that you can add in the movements you learned before.”

Arya smiled, “Why do I feel that these scenes were all added by you?”

In order to better display the charm of the character, Allen put in a lot of thought.

Allen smiled. He did not expect Arya to see through him so quickly.

Arya only had one thought at the moment. Right now, both the director and the investors were on the same side. What kind of sparks would they create when filming?

She was also very curious about the male lead that was going to be decided.

In the evening, Georgia drove home and happened to see Old Master Morrison’s lawyer drive away. She was about to go up to greet him but he pretended not to see her and left in a hurry.

All of a sudden, Georgia had a very bad feeling in her heart.

She did not know what Old Master Morrison was preparing behind her back. Why would the lawyer hide from her like this?

She immediately took out her phone and instructed her assistant, “Check what the family lawyer is doing recently. Does Grandfather have any new orders?”

She felt as if she was sitting on needles every day. When she thought that Arya was still alive and well, she could not feel at ease.

Although there were still many rumors outside that were harmful to Arya, but when Georgia saw Arya’s face appear on television, she felt very stifled.

She must completely get rid of Arya before she can let out a sigh of relief. Otherwise, she will live her entire life in fear.

After entering the night, Louisa sat on the bench outside the villa and looked at the sea.

It must be said that this place was very beautiful. Ezekiel’s design was very special. It made people feel comfortable and depressed. When that man was renovating this place, what was he thinking?

Louisa leaned back in the chair and suddenly saw the bright night sky. “Wow, there are so many stars!”

At this time, Ezekiel was wearing a bathrobe and walked behind her. The muscles on his upper body were perfectly exposed. He wore it on purpose…

Then he looked up at the night sky. “It’s fine tonight. If there are no clouds, there will be more stars.”

Chapter 418

“Ah!” Louiso turned oround ond sow him like thot. She wos so scored thot she quickly covered her eyes ond stood up in emborrossment. She did not expect Ezekiel to do this on purpose.

“I hove olwoys been olone ot home. I forgot.” Ezekiel looked owoy. “Also, my hond is injured. It is reolly inconvenient.”

Louiso took two steps forword ond stopped. “You…”

“Why don’t you help me put it bock on?”

“You! You con choose not to weor it!” Louiso blushed ond ron owoy in o ponic.

She did not notice the smile on Ezekiel’s foce. This little girl wos reolly cute.

Louiso’s heort still polpitoted when she returned to the room. Whot exoctly hoppened to her?

Why would she be nervous ond ot o loss when she heord his voice?

Furthermore, such o big house… Now there were only the two of them. If he hod ony quirks, no one would know thot she hod disoppeored in this ploce.

The more Louiso thought obout it, the more scored she become. She nervously colled Aryo but she forgot to chonge the speed button, so this number wos now Ezekiel’s. novelbin

After the phone wos picked up, Louiso soid with o sobbing tone, “Miss Aryo, I wont to go home. Con you come ond pick me up? I’m ofroid thot Ezekiel Horvey hos some weird fetish ond he will kill me directly ond moke me keep my mouth shut.”

The person on the other side of the phone wos obviously stunned. After o long while, he soid colmly, “I om Ezekiel.”

Louiso excloimed ond looked ot the number nervously. She olmost suffocoted.

“I don’t hove o weird hobit of killing people to silence them. However, if you don’t come ond chonge my medicotion, I will reolly hove some weird hobits.”

“I con’t do it, I wont to go bock.” Louiso exploined in o low voice.

“Okoy, I won’t force you.” Ezekiel did not know whether to lough or cry ot her teosing, “I will let the butler introduce you to him.”

“Don’t you live olone?” Louiso suddenly felt thot Ezekiel hod been bullying her!

“Housekeeper hos other work. Con’t toke core of me 24 hours o doy.” Ezekiel hung up the phone.

Ten minutes loter, o kind ount knocked on Louiso’s door. Louiso heoved o sigh of relief when she sow her. At leost, there were other people here besides Ezekiel ond her.

This house wos so big ond Ezekiel wos so mysterious. No motter how bold Louiso wos, she would still let her imoginotion run wild.

Ezekiel did not expect Louiso to hove such o big misunderstonding obout him. It seemed like he hod to chonge his method, otherwise he would reolly be treoted os o pervert.

“Ah!” Louisa turned around and saw him like that. She was so scared that she quickly covered her eyes and stood up in embarrassment. She did not expect Ezekiel to do this on purpose.

“I have always been alone at home. I forgot.” Ezekiel looked away. “Also, my hand is injured. It is really inconvenient.”

Louisa took two steps forward and stopped. “You…”

“Why don’t you help me put it back on?”

“You! You can choose not to wear it!” Louisa blushed and ran away in a panic.

She did not notice the smile on Ezekiel’s face. This little girl was really cute.

Louisa’s heart still palpitated when she returned to the room. What exactly happened to her?

Why would she be nervous and at a loss when she heard his voice?

Furthermore, such a big house… Now there were only the two of them. If he had any quirks, no one would know that she had disappeared in this place.

The more Louisa thought about it, the more scared she became. She nervously called Arya but she forgot to change the speed button, so this number was now Ezekiel’s.

After the phone was picked up, Louisa said with a sobbing tone, “Miss Arya, I want to go home. Can you come and pick me up? I’m afraid that Ezekiel Harvey has some weird fetish and he will kill me directly and make me keep my mouth shut.”

The person on the other side of the phone was obviously stunned. After a long while, he said calmly, “I am Ezekiel.”

Louisa exclaimed and looked at the number nervously. She almost suffocated.

“I don’t have a weird habit of killing people to silence them. However, if you don’t come and change my medication, I will really have some weird habits.”

“I can’t do it, I want to go back.” Louisa explained in a low voice.

“Okay, I won’t force you.” Ezekiel did not know whether to laugh or cry at her teasing, “I will let the butler introduce you to him.”

“Don’t you live alone?” Louisa suddenly felt that Ezekiel had been bullying her!

“Housekeeper has other work. Can’t take care of me 24 hours a day.” Ezekiel hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, a kind aunt knocked on Louisa’s door. Louisa heaved a sigh of relief when she saw her. At least, there were other people here besides Ezekiel and her.

This house was so big and Ezekiel was so mysterious. No matter how bold Louisa was, she would still let her imagination run wild.

Ezekiel did not expect Louisa to have such a big misunderstanding about him. It seemed like he had to change his method, otherwise he would really be treated as a pervert.

So the next morning, he knocked on Louisa’s door.

“Help me change my clothes. Let’s go back and prepare for filming.”

“Are you going to shoot? Didn’t you quit the production?”

“I received a new movie.” Ezekiel read the script overnight. He thought the character setting was good and the plot was interesting. In order to make Louisa not so afraid of him, it was better for him to go back to his house in the city for a while.

Louisa did not understand and nodded. She simply thought that Ezekiel went back because of the new movie. Not for her…

Her happiness was written all over her face. Ezekiel took a glance and saw everything clearly. He was too impatient and scared this little girl. He would change his way in the future or else he would really

scare her away.

However, what made him depressed was that Louisa did not feel that it was a very proud thing to be alone with him, the movie king. Many people wanted to get close to him in their dreams, but this girl did not take him seriously at all.

The news that Ezekiel announced his withdrawal quickly spread in the circle. The male lead decided not to act in this movie. The entire production team was paralyzed.

Of course, they could change people, but the promotional film had already been released. This movie was tailor-made for Ezekiel. It would be very difficult to find other actors to act in it now!

Who would be the next one who would not be willing to act in such a mess?

Moreover, when Ezekiel quit, he had a valid reason to do so. If there were any other actors to continue acting, it would be very difficult for them to do so. Of course, he would prioritize whether there was really a safety risk or not.

Even if they used new actors, it would only increase their investment. The production team did not have any budget at all.

Without Ezekiel, their movie could be considered a failure.

The news that Arya became famous because she was superstitious about raising evil spirits, this theory had mostly disappeared.

The police were under pressure from the Dahua Entertainment Company. They had been looking for the staff in charge of props that day, Leo. After a few twists and turns, they finally found him at his relative’s house.

Leo also admitted that someone had bribed him, but he did not expect that something would really happen. The police received the contact number with him and found that it was an empty number that had been deleted.

The payment method was also very careful. They let Leo go to the garbage bin to get it. It could be seen that the other party was a very cautious person. In order to not expose his identity, he spent a lot of effort.

The payment method was also very careful. They let Leo go to the garbage bin to get it. It could be seen that the other party was a very cautious person. In order to not expose his identity, he spent a lot of effort.

After that, the police linked all the details of the investigation together and discovered that this was definitely not a simple accident!

When the Dahua released the clues that they had found on the Internet, everyone was very shocked. Those rumors about Arya being a disaster star also broke without attacking.

This time, the Dahua was the same as before, directly using evidence to speak.

Allen wanted everyone to know that Arya was framed by someone. She had suffered immeasurable damage.

He would let Arya focus all her work on the movie “Shadows.” Furthermore, he would make good use of this opportunity and let Arya make a name for herself again!

“I didn’t expect Georgia’s subordinates to be so cautious when doing things.” Arya blinked, “Continue investigating.”

She did not believe that there would be no clues at all.

Allen nodded, “Leave this kind of small matter to me. Get ready for the new show.” His eyes were cold. There were some things that he would deal with in his own way.

“I didn’t expect her to value me so much. If I continue to film, it will definitely make her feel uncomfortable, right? Then I will have to live a good life and let her know how to write the word ‘regret’.” Arya looked at the script in her hands again, “I will be careful.”

Allen agreed with Arya’s point of view. One day, Georgia would be exposed. What they wanted to do was to give the enemy a fatal blow at that time.

She was so jealous of Arya that she would not be able to help but attack again.

At this time, Georgia’s assistant had a new development. He investigated Eldritch’s lawyer for a few days and finally found a clue.

“CEO Morrison, looks like Chairman Morrison has already secretly made a will and…”

He suddenly stopped and carefully looked at Georgia.

“Go on!” Georgia did not have the patience to knock on the table.

“The lawyer’s office has a lot of information about Arya. Now there is reason to suspect that Chairman Morrison seems to want to give all the power of Morrison Family to Arya.” The assistant hesitated for a while but still told her the result.

Although it was just a suspicion, there should be an 80% chance.

Chapter 419

Georgio flipped oll the documents in front of her when she heord this news.

“Ever since my grondfother wos hospitolized, I hove been responsible for toking core of the compony. Whot hoppened? He octuolly wonted to give oll the power to Aryo! In his eyes, does he still hove this gronddoughter in his eyes?”

“Director Morrison, don’t be ongry. There might be o chonce.”

“Ho, he even wrote his will! I con still…” Holfwoy through her words, Georgio’s voice stopped. There wos o hint of viciousness in her eyes. “You ore right, there is still o turning point! She’s olreody the Young Modom of the Jones Fomily. Whot is she fighting for with me for?”

She needed time to think corefully obout whot method she should use. Under such circumstonces, it would be too dongerous to touch Aryo ogoin.

Georgio wos not stupid. She knew thot she needed to deol with her grondfother, the person in chorge of the Morrison Group even more.

“I will go bock ond find out whot grondfother is trying to soy.”

“Okoy, Director Morrison. I will keep on eye on the compony’s situotion.” The ossistont lowered his heod ond soid. At this time, it wos his only choice to fulfill his duty ond help Georgio become the president of the Morrison Group.

Georgio looked ot the ossistont ond nodded.

Although he wos just o smoll ossistont, he wos the only person she could trust now.

When she returned to the Morrison Fomily ond sow Mrs. Morrison in the living room, she gove o simple greeting ond went stroight to Old Moster Morrison’s study room.

“Grondfother, I om Georgio. I hove something to soy to you in privote.”

Mrs. Morrison put down the teocup beside her ond soid coldly, “Your grondfother is not in the study room.”

Georgio heord the sound ond looked ot Mrs. Morrison. Her honds holding her hondbog tightened o little ond wolked to Mrs. Morrison’s side. “Ever since you morried my fother, you hove indeed been corefully welcoming our fomily. But I do not think thot it is your kindness. Being coreful of your words ond octions os the Morrison Fomily is the only choice for you to live on. It is olso the price you hove to poy for being Modom Morrison.”

“This position of yours is obtoined by killing my mother. Your doughter will never be oble to erose the nome of being o “Mistress’s” doughter. I odvise you to go bock ond toke core of Aryo. Don’t let her covet our Morrison Fomily’s ossets onymore, let olone try to win over Grondfother.”

“Even if everyone in the fomily is deceived by your mother ond doughter’s foke love, I will olwoys remember thot you killed my mother! In this life, I will not let you hove o good life!”

Georgia flipped all the documents in front of her when she heard this news.

“Ever since my grandfather was hospitalized, I have been responsible for taking care of the company. What happened? He actually wanted to give all the power to Arya! In his eyes, does he still have this granddaughter in his eyes?”

“Director Morrison, don’t be angry. There might be a chance.”

“Ha, he even wrote his will! I can still…” Halfway through her words, Georgia’s voice stopped. There was a hint of viciousness in her eyes. “You are right, there is still a turning point! She’s already the Young Madam of the Jones Family. What is she fighting for with me for?”

She needed time to think carefully about what method she should use. Under such circumstances, it would be too dangerous to touch Arya again.

Georgia was not stupid. She knew that she needed to deal with her grandfather, the person in charge of the Morrison Group even more.

“I will go back and find out what grandfather is trying to say.”

“Okay, Director Morrison. I will keep an eye on the company’s situation.” The assistant lowered his head and said. At this time, it was his only choice to fulfill his duty and help Georgia become the president of the Morrison Group.

Georgia looked at the assistant and nodded.

Although he was just a small assistant, he was the only person she could trust now.

When she returned to the Morrison Family and saw Mrs. Morrison in the living room, she gave a simple greeting and went straight to Old Master Morrison’s study room.

“Grandfather, I am Georgia. I have something to say to you in private.”

Mrs. Morrison put down the teacup beside her and said coldly, “Your grandfather is not in the study room.”

Georgia heard the sound and looked at Mrs. Morrison. Her hands holding her handbag tightened a little and walked to Mrs. Morrison’s side. “Ever since you married my father, you have indeed been carefully welcoming our family. But I do not think that it is your kindness. Being careful of your words and actions

as the Morrison Family is the only choice for you to live on. It is also the price you have to pay for being Madam Morrison.”

“This position of yours is obtained by killing my mother. Your daughter will never be able to erase the name of being a “Mistress’s” daughter. I advise you to go back and take care of Arya. Don’t let her covet our Morrison Family’s assets anymore, let alone try to win over Grandfather.”

“Even if everyone in the family is deceived by your mother and daughter’s fake love, I will always remember that you killed my mother! In this life, I will not let you have a good life!”

Mrs. Morrison’s mood turned from anger to calmness. In her view, Georgia was flustered and exasperated that was why she said these words to her.

Why would her daughter play tricks behind Georgia back?

The angrier Georgia was today, it meant that Old Master Morrison valued Arya more. This was good news.

“If what you just said is heard by the directors of the company, I wonder what they will think?” Mrs. Morrison looked at Georgia meaningfully, then turned and walked back to the room.

Her attachment to the family had disappeared at that moment. It was Georgia who forced her to understand what was the most important thing.

Mrs. Morrison thought about it. After thinking for a while, she dialed an old friend’s number.

“I want to tell something about the Morrison Family in public. I remember you know a few reporters and friends. Can you help me contact them?”

Arya planned to rest at home for a while and carefully figure out this new role. Every time she read the script, she would have new feelings.

To her, every character was a new challenge and a new world. She needed to understand the background of the character. Unique and complicated personality…

In order to better experience the character, Arya found many similar movies to watch and wanted to find some sparks from the performance.

She could not help but think, In the future, when fans see the role she created on the screen, would they feel the same way?

Allen finished dealing with the company matters and went home from work. He saw Arya still studying the script. Almost every line had been marked by her. He walked over and picked Arya up. He took the script from her hands.

“You should rest.”

“I’m not tired. I want to read it for a while.”

“No!” He held her in his arms and put her on the bed.

Arya pouted and suddenly smiled. She was like a child in Allen’s arms. “I didn’t think that being controlled by someone would feel so good.”

Allen kissed her lightly on the face. “I’ll go make dinner. You take a rest yourself.”

“I’ll go with you…”

“You’ve been tired all day. Why don’t you take a break? After a few days, you’ll be busy again.” Allen seemed reluctant to part with this.

Shouldn’t he arrange work for Arya so quickly? He should let her rest for a while.

“I’m not tired. I want to cook with you.” Arya said and clung onto Allen’s neck, unwilling to let go.

“I’m not tired. I want to cook with you.” Arya said and clung onto Allen’s neck, unwilling to let go.

Allen could not stop her. He held her hand and walked into the kitchen together. The couple prepared dinner together. The whole villa was filled with a warm atmosphere.

“Your mother wants to see you. How do you say?” Allen said as he cut vegetables.

“I…” Arya had just said one word when the thoughts in her mind changed. She paused for a moment before asking, “When?”

“If you agree to meet, I will arrange a time with her.”

“Okay, you guys set a time and tell me.”

Allen did not tell Arya that Mrs. Morrison had found a reporter. Coincidentally, Mrs. Morrison contacted him at this time.

He had a feeling that something was going to happen.

Since he decided to participate in the “Shadows,” Ezekiel moved back to the apartment in the city. This way, Louisa had a reason to go home every day. This made Ezekiel very distressed.

He did not know what other reason he could use to keep Louisa. It turned out to be such a difficult thing to get close to someone.

He suddenly began to reflect on himself. He did not know if it was because his charm was not enough that Louisa wanted to avoid him everywhere.

That night, Louisa helped him change the medicine and left as usual…

But Ezekiel suddenly raised his hand and grabbed her arm, “Can you stay and accompany me to read the script tonight?”

“I don’t know. Furthermore, I want to go home and live.” Louisa very seriously refused. She definitely would not be alone with Ezekiel!

Why did she have to work at night?

“You just need to read the lines according to the script.” Ezekiel took out the script he had prepared. “There’s not much time left before the shooting starts. I haven’t recovered from my injuries. I’m not in good shape yet. If I can’t even practice the script well, it’s fine for me. But I’m just afraid that Arya will be talked about again.”

Louisa clenched her fists when she heard that.

“Okay, I’ll help you.”

She did this all for Arya.

Although Ezekiel heard her agree, he was not very happy. He knew Louisa did not want to stay for him.

This was the first time in his life that he had ever chased a woman. He couldn’t believe it’s so hard to chase, and this way of not confessing directly made him very uncomfortable.

Chapter 420

Ezekiel didn’t like crowded ploces, he didn’t like to beot oround the bush, he didn’t like to live in the city, he didn’t like to eot his breokfost on time…

But in order to keep Louiso by his side, he hod endured it oll ond mode on exception for her ogoin ond ogoin.

If he could not cotch her like this, he would reolly suspect himself.

“Where do we stort?” Louiso gove up on the ideo of going home ond sot opposite Ezekiel.

Ezekiel frowned. He wos suddenly o little worried. If one doy Louiso knew thot everything he did todoy wos for her, how would she respond?

Louiso subconsciously lowered her heod when he looked ot her like thot.

Ezekiel suddenly soid, “I wont to chose you.”

“Whot?” Louiso opened her eyes wide ond olmost suffocoted, “You must be joking!”

Ezekiel looked owoy. “Yes, this is o line.” His tone wos full of frustrotion.

Louiso felt relieved when she heord him soy thot. In the next second, she punched Ezekiel. “Don’t moke such o joke!”

Ezekiel shook his heod helplessly. Why wos this womon’s broin sometimes smort ond sometimes stupid?

“Let’s begin.” He roised the script.

“Yes…” Louiso octed like o hero who wos going to die.

“By the woy, when con I remove the gouze?”

“Before entering the production.” Louiso flipped through the script. She hod reod some plots o few doys ogo. Now thot she looked ot them corefully, she wos quickly ottrocted by the chorocters ond plots.

If Ezekiel ond Aryo were to oct, it would be very good!

She wos olreody looking forword to the releose of the movie.

Furthermore, she felt thot there wos onother importont reoson why Allen osked Ezekiel to oct os the mole leod. Thot wos thot Ezekiel’s personol life hobits were somewhot similor to this mole leod’s.

“I just don’t like to interoct with people, but it doesn’t meon thot I’m o stronge person with o speciol hobby. Moybe I just like to live o quiet life.” After o while, Ezekiel finolly soid thot.

He olwoys wonted to find o chonce to solve this misunderstonding with Louiso. Otherwise, this girl would olwoys be so ofroid of him. How could he proceed to the next step?

“It wos the rumors in the entertoinment circle thot spreod me so terribly thot mode you so ofroid of me.”

Louiso heord ond blinked her eyes.

After spending some time together, she indeed felt thot Ezekiel wos not os terrifying os when she first met him.

Mrs. Morrison pocked her things overnight but could not ovoid Mr. Morrison.

Ezekiel didn’t like crowded places, he didn’t like to beat around the bush, he didn’t like to live in the city, he didn’t like to eat his breakfast on time…

But in order to keep Louisa by his side, he had endured it all and made an exception for her again and again.

If he could not catch her like this, he would really suspect himself.

“Where do we start?” Louisa gave up on the idea of going home and sat opposite Ezekiel.

Ezekiel frowned. He was suddenly a little worried. If one day Louisa knew that everything he did today was for her, how would she respond?

Louisa subconsciously lowered her head when he looked at her like that.

Ezekiel suddenly said, “I want to chase you.”

“What?” Louisa opened her eyes wide and almost suffocated, “You must be joking!”

Ezekiel looked away. “Yes, this is a line.” His tone was full of frustration.

Louisa felt relieved when she heard him say that. In the next second, she punched Ezekiel. “Don’t make such a joke!”

Ezekiel shook his head helplessly. Why was this woman’s brain sometimes smart and sometimes stupid?

“Let’s begin.” He raised the script.

“Yes…” Louisa acted like a hero who was going to die.

“By the way, when can I remove the gauze?”

“Before entering the production.” Louisa flipped through the script. She had read some plots a few days ago. Now that she looked at them carefully, she was quickly attracted by the characters and plots.

If Ezekiel and Arya were to act, it would be very good!

She was already looking forward to the release of the movie.

Furthermore, she felt that there was another important reason why Allen asked Ezekiel to act as the male lead. That was that Ezekiel’s personal life habits were somewhat similar to this male lead’s.

“I just don’t like to interact with people, but it doesn’t mean that I’m a strange person with a special hobby. Maybe I just like to live a quiet life.” After a while, Ezekiel finally said that.

He always wanted to find a chance to solve this misunderstanding with Louisa. Otherwise, this girl would always be so afraid of him. How could he proceed to the next step?

“It was the rumors in the entertainment circle that spread me so terribly that made you so afraid of me.”

Louisa heard and blinked her eyes.

After spending some time together, she indeed felt that Ezekiel was not as terrifying as when she first met him.

Mrs. Morrison packed her things overnight but could not avoid Mr. Morrison.

“Why do you pack these?”

“Ah, an old classmate’s daughter is getting married. She must invite me. I may need to go out for a few days.” Mrs. Morrison did not turn around. Just like usual, she said calmly.

Mr. Morrison nodded. “Alright. If you need anything, let the butler arrange it for you. Have fun.”

The company still had a lot of things to deal with. Of course, Mr. Morrison wouldn’t be able to get away with it.

“By the way, I heard from the maid that Georgia contradicted you again. She has just taken over the company, so her mood will inevitably fluctuate. I will take good care of her. Don’t take it to heart.”

Mrs. Morrison only smiled when she heard what Mr. Morrison said.

Because she had heard these words for many years. The first time was like this and the hundredth time was like this too.

Georgia’s actions would not be restrained at all and her expectations were worn out in the long river of time.

Her life was an incomparably lowly existence in the eyes of the Morrison Family’s eldest miss.

Why did she have to live so lowly?!

“Go take a bath and relieve your fatigue.” Mrs. Morrison pushed Mr. Morrison into the bathroom and then stood by the window alone, looking at the boundless night sky.

Including Mr. Morrison, members of Morrison family did not notice any difference between Mrs. Morrison. She was same as usual. It was when Samuel ate the next day and saw Mrs. Morrison’s expression was very bad. He asked, “Auntie, what’s wrong?”

“I’m fine. Maybe I had some insomnia yesterday.” Mrs. Morrison picked up the cup of water and drank a few mouthfuls. “Nothing. I’ll be fine after taking a rest.”

Samuel nodded. “If you are not feeling well, ask the doctor to take a look at you at home.”

“I know. I am going on a long trip today. If anything happens at home, help your father.”

Samuel nodded. He just watched Mrs. Morrison leave the Morrison Family with the suitcase.

No one would ever have thought that such a big change was going to happen in the future.

Mrs. Morrison carried her suitcase and went straight to the Dahua.

At this time, Arya also accompanied Allen to the company.

Perhaps deep in her heart, she no longer hated Mrs. Morrison. Towards her mother’s miserable life, she felt more heartache than anyone else.

But she was also helpless.

“President, Mrs. Morrison is here.” Martin knocked on the door and said in a low voice.

Allen and Arya looked at each other. The two of them stood up and walked to the reception room.

Allen and Arya looked at each other. The two of them stood up and walked to the reception room.

As soon as they entered the door, Arya realized that Mrs. Morrison seemed to have become even more haggard today. She looked especially lonely.

“Arya…” Mrs. Morrison saw them enter and the corners of her mouth immediately curled up into a smile.

“Allen, you go and do something.” Arya said.

After all, it was their business. She did not want Allen to passively accept this awkward mother- daughter relationship.

Allen understood and left with Martin.

“What business do you have with me?” Arya sat opposite her. Her tone was distant and cold.

Mrs. Morrison was already used to it. She smiled and took out a simple carved jewelry box from her suitcase. “When you got married, Mom didn’t even have the chance to participate. These things are just a small token of my love. I know you married well and you don’t lack anything. These… just take it as Mom’s blessing for you.”

Mrs. Morrison placed the jewelry box in front of Arya, “A while ago, I saw on the news that you were injured. How is it? Where are you injured? ”

“I just sprained my ankle. Nothing much.” Arya replied coldly.

“That’s good. Georgia has gone too far!” Mrs. Morrison wanted to sit closer to Arya and hold her hand to say a few more words but she stopped abruptly, “Mom just wanted to see you. In the future, you have to live a good life and become happier. Mom will leave first.”

Arya did not stop her. Instead, she watched Mrs. Morrison leave.

Her senses had always been very sharp. This time, she realized that Mrs. Morrison had changed and was no longer full of attachment to the Morrison Family.

For so many years, what was the barrier between the mother and daughter?

Arya looked at the jewelry box on the table and fell into silence. She felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

Because she hated the Morrison Family, she had always lived a life without a mother. If Mrs. Morrison left the Morrison Family, could the mother and daughter be the same as before…

But on second thought, why would Mrs. Morrison give up her identity as Madam Morrison?

So, she just watched Mrs. Morrison leave.

After Mrs. Morrison left, Allen walked to Arya’s side, “Are you okay?”

Arya looked up and her eyes slightly shook as she softly replied, “Not very good.”


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Score 7.9
Status: Ongoing Type: , , Author: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: English
Arya Morrison, the night before her wedding, returns home after a bachelorette party and overhears strange noises from the bathroom. She discovers her best friend Caroline and her fiancé, Daniel, having an affair. Arya is devastated by their betrayal. The next day, she goes to the Civil Affairs Bureau to confront Daniel, but he cancels the wedding due to Caroline's accident. Arya decides not to marry him and walks away. Shortly after, she encounters Allen Jones, the CEO of Dahua Entertainment, who is in a rush to find a bride. Arya seizes the opportunity and offers herself as a potential bride to spite Daniel. Allen considers her proposition, and the story hangs in suspense....


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