Banner of the Claw was the name bestowed by Duke Louis. With the achievements now confirmed by the elves from the caravan and the blessings from the Protector of the Northeastern Region, Arlan’s Banner was already known across Midland. Arlan’s name started to spread across the Northeastern region.
The young lion’s band left Galdo City in three columns. Their destination was Galdera Village northwest of Galdo City. The dirt roads they traveled were decently developed and wide enough so wagons or caravans could easily traverse them. This was because Galdo City was a trade hub of the north, so developed roads were important to maintain.
As they traveled, many adventurers and merchants alike shared the path. So far, no monsters have appeared. The Banner of the Claw traveled for five hours before finally reaching Galdera Village.
The village population was about nine hundred, most of them were either miners, lumberjacks, or hunters. The Adventurer’s Guild had a branch here but there were only a handful of adventurers who would come through. There was a lack of monster activity in this area until recently.
As the Banner of the Claw approached the quaint village, many residents reacted with joy. They were quite happy to see that their request was heard in Galdo City. As the young lion’s banner marched towards the Lord’s Manor, many onlookers joined in and whispered to each other. Arlan overheard bits about how he’s too young to be the Baron that defeated the orcs.
A grin struck most of the soldiers as they knew how powerful their captain was but the villagers didn’t. After about a minute of marching, they reached the Lord’s Manor. Arlan was at the front with JD behind him as they approached the manor’s front gate.
Arlan instructed his banner to take a moment to rest as they disappeared behind the gate. Two guards escorted Arlan and JD to the main building. An older nobleman who presumably was Lord Poma was at the front. He was the Lord of Galdera Village. Arlan was told that he wasn’t a bad Lord but he wasn’t exactly effective at his position.
Upon arriving at the main building, which was about fifty meters from the front gate, the guards announced Arlan’s name and title. Lord Poma approached Arlan with a handshake and said “Thank you for coming out to Galdera, Baron Arlan! Excuse my rudeness, I thought the young lion would be more… bigger.”
“Lord Poma, I may be small but rest assured, I am the son of Duke Louis Reeve. I have here the orders that I am allowed full reins to investigate anywhere I see fit,” replied Arlan as he hands Lord Poma the letter sent by Count Emile.
The Lord of Galdera smiled but with a hint of worry while he finished the letter. “I understand. If there is anything I can do to help, please inform us! I wish to serve you as best I can, Baron Arlan.”
“I appreciate the formalities, Lord Poma. I’d like you to gather the villagers who spotted the monsters,” stated Arlan.
“As you wish, I will have the village guards gather the three miners here immediately.”
“I also require accommodations for me and my men. We will stay here for at least four days to scour the area.”
“Baron Arlan, you may stay at my Manor while your soldiers can stay at the local Inn. They have enough rooms to accompany your band.”
“That won’t be necessary, I’ll stay at the Inn as well with my soldiers.”
“As you wish! I will now see to my duties if you’ll excuse me,” said Lord Poma as he bowed himself to Arlan.
Arlan nodded and left back towards his men with JD following.
“JD, did you notice something off about Lord Poma?” asked Arlan.
“Yeah, for some reason, Lord Poma should be more enthusiastic and happy that we’re here to deal with the potential monsters in the area.”
“I noticed his lack of initiative in wanting to make sure the area was gone of monsters,” stated Arlan.
“Arlan, I mean, Captain, I’ll have the men stay vigilant.”
“That won’t be necessary, JD. If Lord Poma intends any harm, he wouldn’t dare harm a Reeve in Galdera. My entire house would ride here immediately. Even if I was an adopted Reeve, they wouldn’t let anyone harm a Reeve.”
“I see, so what should we do first?”
“First, order the banner to rest while you and I talk with the miners who spotted the monsters. Then we’ll visit the Adventurer’s Guild to get an idea of the history of monsters in the area. Afterward, we send out all three squads to scout the area. If we find anything, we immediately deal with it or send for reinforcements from Galdo if we cannot handle it.”
“You’ve always been good at this, Arlan,” said JD.
“It just comes naturally. You get the banner to rest at the Inn. I’ll ask the local garrison to escort the miners here.”
“Aye, Captain!” saluted JD.
The Banner of the Claw headed towards the Inn. JD informed each squad leader to allow time to rest and eat for their respective squads. While letting his troops rest, Arlan questioned each miner brought in by the guards.
Most information wasn’t really useful but they all claimed to have spotted gremlins near the mines. Gremlins aren’t much of a threat and typically avoided humans. Gremlins behaved like goblins but in a much more passive manner. They typically avoided fights and contact with people.
After the interview with the miners, Arlan and JD left for the Adventurer’s Guild. Upon arrival, they noticed that there were only two parties of four in the hall. It was pretty empty.
The clerk behind the desk was already informed of Arlan’s arrival and offered help. Arlan asked for records of all monster bounties in the last five years. While JD began interviewing the adventurers of any oddities in the area.
Arlan noticed that two years ago, a large demon hound was spotted in the area and the party that dispatched it was currently talking with JD. The monster bounties were way too random. There was no consistency in the monsters being spotted but there weren’t enough monsters appearing that it would cause any problems.
Arlan approached JD while he was mid-conversation with the party. They seemed to be in their early twenties but they knew Arlan was a Baron.
“Excuse my interruption, is this the party that dispatched the large demon hound two years ago?” asked the young baron. A black-haired man holding a spear with a dented steel cuirass comes forth to answer Arlan’s question. “Mi’lord, my name is Anthony Fira. I’m the leader of the Nymedes party that’s responsible for killing that demon hound.”
“I’m Baron Arlan Reeve. I’m here on official orders from Count Emile to investigate the monster sightings. May I trouble you to answer some questions about your encounter and any history in the area?” asked Arlan.
“It is no trouble, Baron Arlan. Let me introduce you to each of us.” answered Anthony. The spear-wielding adventurer introduced a lizard beastmen known as Mahari. Mahari towered over most of them, especially Arlan who was the smallest, at six foot and nine inches. Mahari was in armor and wielded a large handaxe with an iron buckler.
Anthony introduced the remaining two party members. An elven girl with light skin who barely looked seventeen. She wore a green cloak over most of herself but a recurve bow and quiver were present on the outside. Elven archers were known across Althea as fearsome for their accuracy and speed. The final member was a human girl cleric who had long blonde hair and a white robe decorated with the Numen’s markings. She was armed with a short staff. Arlan could sense a strong mana presence in her.
“The elf here is Yanie, she’s an elven archer from the east. And the cleric is Fiala,” stated Anthony. Fiala waves at Arlan with a smile as she bows.
“It’s a pleasure, Baron Arlan. I’ve heard about you from my uncle,” said Yanie as she bows.
“Good things, I hope?” replied the young baron.
“Yes, he was among the trade caravan that you saved. Thank you, Baron Arlan,” stated Yanie as she knelt in front of Arlan. Mahari kneels before the young baron as well.
“Rise, Yanie and Mahari. There is no need to kneel. I was performing my duties for the Duke. But I would like some information on your encounter and the history of monsters in the area.”
After Yanie and Mahari rise, the Nymedes follow Arlan to a common area in the Adventurer’s Guildhall. The common area housed a few couches and tables for adventurers to party up.
“Baron Arlan, what would you like to know?” asked Anthony.
“Just Arlan is fine. The large demon hound, where did you find it, and what was it doing?”
“Well, a hunter was in the wolf woods to the north. He was almost attacked by it while it was lurking in the woods. Naturally, the guild put up a bounty and we took it on.” said the Nymedes Leader.
“A large demon hound is nothing to scoff at, were you able to dispatch it with ease?” inquired the young baron.
“It wasn’t easy. We were able to dispatch it thanks to our experience. We were a rank C party at that time.”
“Since then, have any other strange monsters appeared?” asked Arlan but Mahari locked eyes with Arlan and answered.
“Master Arlan, fewer demon wolves in the north forest, this year,” stated Mahari.
“So the wolf forest to the north holds the answers. Thank you everyone for the inquiry. If you’re able to help with our scouting operations as guides, you’ll be compensated.”
“The Nymedes party will gladly help. Galdera is our home. We’ll also reach out to the other party and inform them to help with your investigation.” stated Anthony as he looks to his party and they nod in agreement.
Since it was getting late, Arlan decided to have the scouting operation start the next morning. As Arlan left with JD back to the Northstar Inn, a familiar hooded figure was following him. It was likely the same stalker from Galdo City.
The stalker didn’t show any signs of danger so Arlan pretended not to notice. He wanted to see what the hooded figure would do.
The young baron and JD returned to see Trent and Dimitri arguing with three mercenaries. Each mercenary wore leather armor and was well armed with steel weaponry, they were in their late twenties or early thirties. Before JD could walk over, Arlan raises his arm to stop him.
“Let’s see how they handle this, we’ll intervene if it gets out of hand.”
“Alright.” nodded JD in agreement.
During their training, every member of the Banner of the Claw was able to advance to a tier two orange core. They were a bit stronger than most common soldiers who never broke into tier two. But they were still considered recruits and trainees.
Arlan activated his [Battle Trance] and was able to see the mercenaries would stand no chance against Trent and Dimitri. Arlan decided to listen closely as Trent responded.
“Until the Captain returns, we’re not leaving this Inn. You’ll have to stay at the other Inn on the southside of the village,” stated Trent as a mercenary approaches him. This particular burly mercenary towered over Trent at six feet.
“You pretend soldiers are all still kids. Go play soldier somewhere else. The Northstar Inn is the only place that serves beer.” stated the mercenary as he grabs Trent’s collar Dimitri immediately draws his steel blade and aims the killing end at the mercenary.
“Don’t you fucking dare raise that blade at me!” yelled the mercenary who let go of Trent and drew his sword. The other two mercenaries behind him grinned and drew their blades as well.
JD began to worry as this could get out of hand. “Arlan, we should stop this now.”
“Trust me, not yet,” responded Arlan.
These mercs were likely hired by Lord Poma. What is he up to?
In response to the weapons being drawn, Trent asks everyone to lower their weapons. But no one retracts their blades. The rest of the Banner of the Claw starts pouring out from the Inn. They drew their blades from behind Trent and Dimitri.
The mercenary in the center who had grabbed Trent, whistles loudly, and thirty more mercenaries appear from behind him with weapons drawn. Oddly enough, no village guards nearby to pacify the incident. One of the mercenaries who just appeared questions what they’re doing.
“Aye, Triton, they’re just kids. Let’s leave ‘em be.”
“Kids who need to be taught some respect. That bitch of a noble little lion hasn’t done so!” exclaimed Triton with intent.
“Attacking soldiers of House Reeve won’t go well for you,” responded Dimitri as he readied his sword.
“No one interferes, he’s mine,” said Triton as he lunged at Dimitri.
Dimitri was able to lock blades and struggled to channel his essence. Triton grins and right before he could push Dimitri back, Triton recoils. The mercenaries all let out a gasp. Dimitri was able to force Triton back when he fully channeled his essence.
This frustrates Triton as he attacks over and over again only to be deflected or parried. Dimitri finds an opening and shoulder slams Triton on his ass. Trent and others cheer Dimitri on.
This was cut short by an ominous killing intent flourishing from the rear of the mercenaries. A tall bald man with a horizontal scar through his nose appeared. His figure was large enough and wore chainmail with a brown tunic underneath. He wielded a gargantuan two-handed morning star.
“B-b-boss?! We were only sparring with these disrespectful runts,” said Triton as his voice quivered.
The mercenary leader, Boss, approached Dimitri who readied himself but was faltering just like Triton. The pressure emitting from Boss put everyone in the area on edge.
“Triton, don’t underestimate them. Their technique is refined and they’ve been trained well,” said Boss.
Boss readied his two-handed mace and horizontally strikes at Dimitri with force. Dimitri attempted to deflect the blow but was sent flying into two Banner of the Claw soldiers. Trent and Erin immediately rushed over to Dimitri who was now bleeding from his mouth with a small dent in his armor.
“But you lack experience and growth,” said Boss with confidence. As Boss was about to turn around, everyone in the area immediately felt a sharp murderous stare pierce the atmosphere. Boss felt a cold sweat drop down his neck as he readied his morning star and turned back around.
“Who’s there?” asked Boss.
A hazel-haired boy appears. He sports a burgundy cape with a lion’s sigil on his collar, this signified he was a Reeve and a Baron at that. The Banner of the Claw confirmed the identity by exclaiming “Captain!”
JD ran over to Dimitri and noticed that none of the injuries were serious. Everyone could feel Arlan’s presence pierce the atmosphere like Boss but at a tenfold magnitude.
Arlan’s strength had dramatically increased since his fight with the orcs. Arlan stepped before Boss who towered over the young boy. The mercenary leader was pierced by Arlan’s tremendous murderous aura. He knew Arlan was no ordinary boy.
“Your soldier initiated an attack on my soldier and yet you failed to reprimand him. Instead, you chose to keep your pride and raised your weapon against my soldier. How about this, me and you spar and if I win, you leave. If I lose, you may have our rooms at the Northstar Inn,” stated Arlan.
“Fair deal. You have no idea, little bitch,” said Boss as he lunged at Arlan with his morning star. The mercenary leader’s attack was a vertical overhead swing that could easily crush a skull. A loud metal clang could be heard as Boss recoiled back. Everyone in the area could not believe what they saw. Arlan had deflected the attack with his steel gauntlet.
Boss was in disbelief but the vibrations in his mace reminded him of the reality of what just happened. The brawny mercenary realized he’d underestimated his opponent. Boss maxed his essence and doubled his strength.
“The captain hasn’t even drawn his sword?!” exclaimed Dimitri to Trent.
“He won’t draw his sword unless he’s getting serious,” said Trent.
Arlan prepared a stance and activated twenty percent of his essence. He was preparing himself for the inevitable attack. Boss dashed straight towards Arlan with his mace to the side. It was in a position to swing horizontally from the side.
The young lion maintained his stance as his opponent swung out his weapon. An apparition of a bull’s head appeared at the apex of the mace. It was a Mar-Tech. But Arlan has fought Lord Commander Jermaine and this attack was a quarter of what the young baron has experienced.
A loud metal thud rang out. Arlan had simply stopped the morning star with the palm of his steel gauntlet. The attack didn’t even move the young lion. Boss now felt another cold sweat go down as he could see into Arlan’s thousand-yard stare. The mercenary leader understood Arlan could easily kill him.
As the mercenary leader was still paralyzed at Arlan’s gaze, the young lion punched upwards into Boss with his right fist. The giant was sent flying back ten meters and was knocked unconscious. Blood started running down from his mouth and nose while a few teeth were missing from his mouth. It was Arlan’s victory.
The mercenary leader’s troops immediately gathered him and dragged him off. They understood the deal and did not want to face the wrath of Arlan or their leader that the terms were not kept. Arlan’s Banner immediately cheered.
Arlan knew that this wasn’t just a simple fight in the streets. As long as Arlan appeared young, he had to earn respect and keep the trust of his men. A notorious reputation would come in handy as well.
The sun began to set so Arlan sent everyone inside to rest. The young men began to eat their fill as they spoke of the events. Some of the members began to get a little rowdy as they celebrated Dimitri’s stand with him. Arlan and JD were eating in the corner catching up as JD noticed the rambunctious group. As he stands up, Arlan signals him not to go.
“It’s alright, JD. It’s good for their morale to celebrate their wins, especially for Dimitri. It’s not just me that needs to earn respect.” said Arlan.
“I hope you know what you’re doing, they get out of hand and I’m usually the older brother that tells them to behave,” said JD as he let out a slight laugh.
Arlan smiled at the thought of JD being an older brother to the recruits. JD is currently second in command to Arlan, thus making him a senior member to the rest. This is important as the senior members are the heart of a unit.
As the night went on, the Banner’s festivities began to die down. The troops are sent to rest for the night. An early briefing about tomorrow’s operation will happen and all troops are to attend.
Arlan had Erin, Dimitri, Trent, and JD meet him in his room to finalize what each squad would be doing. Arlan was provided a map by the Adventurer’s Guild and was able to use them to mark points of interest that will likely hold monsters.
The squad leaders and JD stood by their chairs at a table with a map with Arlan at the head. They all saluted their Captain signifying that they were ready. The young lion returned their salute and ordered them to sit.
“Now that you’re all here, we will begin this meeting. We’re going to finalize the first squad, second squad, and third squad assignments. This operation has turned from an investigation to a subjugation mission.” stated Arlan as everyone’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Let me explain. The gremlin sightings were to fool us into thinking it’s just gremlins. Areas in this region have a monster pattern. Certain types would come and go at different times of the year. Here, the monster patterns are so random that I believe there is some kind of command structure hiding demons and only having certain ones lurk around to keep suspicions low. Their goal is to build up enough forces to attack Galdera Village.”
“Captain!” blurted out Trent, “How many do you think will come?!”
“My estimation is at least five hundred monsters will come down on this village,” answered Arlan.
“Sir, when… When will they come?” asked Erin nervously.
“If I’m correct, their attack will commence in two days at noon,” said Arlan confidently.
“Captain, I’m assuming you have a plan?” asked JD as he notices Arlan’s confidence.
“Yes, we can defeat them while they’re still spread out in their nest. We’ll split up into two strike teams. I’ll be taking the first squad and Nymedes party with me while JD takes the second squad, the third squad, and the Red Rose Party. I’ll strike all nests on the northwest side, and JD will strike all nests on the northeast side. We’ll regroup in the direct north at where I think some kind of command demon is.” said Arlan.
“Captain, this will be our first battle isn’t it?” asked Dimitri.
“I want you all to listen to my next words deeply. This is a real battle where there will be casualties. Your recruits will look to you for guidance. Follow your orders and fight as you’ve been trained,” said Arlan as he looked around the room, “I’ve informed the guard captain to order an evacuation if we do not return by sundown. A messenger was dispatched to Galdo City requesting reinforcements if I do not send word that our operation was successful. I hope this makes you all understand the gravity of the situation.”
“Aye, Captain!” replied all the squad leaders and JD. Arlan points out the different areas for JD’s detachment to search and all the areas that Arlan’s detachment will search. With the leadership informed, they were ready to lead their briefing the next morning.
As the meeting was adjourned, all the leaders returned to their rooms except JD.
“Arlan, how do you maintain such a calm composure? I know this isn’t your first battle but isn’t this your third?” asked JD with a puzzled look.
“JD, I’m more than meets the eye,” replied Arlan.
“Yeah, that goes without saying. But I know you’re hiding some kind of secret. Is it something that even I can’t know?” said JD as the question surprised Arlan.
“It’s… not that you can’t know. It’s more of, I don’t think you’d believe me or even comprehend it.”
“I’m willing to try. I’ve always trusted you on everything but on the eve of our first battle, it’s bothering me that I know you’re hiding a secret.”
“I see. I’ve never told anyone but I was planning to eventually tell you one day. Are you ready?” asked Arlan as JD closed the door.
“Hit me with it.”
“I’m not from this world, JD. I was a soldier from another world and during a battle, I somehow woke up in Althea with this kid’s body with the pendant I showed you back from the orphanage,” said Arlan as JD’s expression didn’t change while he listened intently.
“So what world are you from and who were you there?” asked JD.
“I’m from another version of Althea called Terra. My name there was Rove. I was raised to be a soldier from when I was young till I was twenty-six. I was the youngest general to be promoted. I’ve fought hundreds of battles and led many soldiers. I’ve killed many.” said Arlan.
“This isn’t a joke?” asked JD.
“No, it’s not.”
“This explains a lot and I’m really curious about your world though.”
“One day, I’ll tell you more about it. I do want to go home but I also care about the friends and people I’ve met here. I won’t leave Althea till I know you all can live peaceful lives.”
“Thanks, Arlan or Rove?”
“Don’t use that name ever. Arlan is fine. I’d like to keep this between us. Don’t ever tell anyone unless I deem it safe to. I still haven’t figured out who or how I was brought here.”
“So do you still have all your training from your previous life?”
“Yes, and my essence capacity seemed to have moved over as well. The only issue is that my body isn’t a twenty-six-year-old super-soldier body. I can’t handle channeling too much essence without nearly dying.”
“You seem to have no issues with fighting anyway, so I doubt that’s an issue.”
“I nearly died fighting the orcs, JD. But I have grown stronger since that encounter. If I’m not careful, I can die here. Dying here may send me back to my world but I’m not willing to take that risk. Especially since I have so much to do here before I go back.”
“I see… Thanks, Arlan. It’s a lot to take in but I trust you way more now that I know the reasoning behind your abilities.” said JD as he lets out a slight laugh.
“Get some rest, JD. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Good Night, Ar.”
“Night, JD.”
The young lion felt drained after having traveled and handled his duties. The inevitable battle played out in different simulations and outcomes in Arlan’s mind. He was used to this though. The young lion took off his armor and slept soundly in his clothes. He knew rest was important.
⌚Every ★Saturday / Wednesday ★-------------------------------------------